
Responses from gsm18439

Which is the best cd player under $10k?
Ancient Audio Lektor Prime 
smallest footprint cd player
Most DVD players are shallow in depth. Also previous generations of Linn's CDPs: Genki or Ikemi (small square boxes). 
Speakers for $600.
There is a pair of Spica TC50s for sale on A'gon. Check them out. 
I need your advice on system for a non-audiophile
I did something similar for a friend - although I spent a bit more money. I bought a pair of Spica TC50s on Ebay (there is a pair for sale on Augiogon) and complemented them with older Linn electronics. The Spicas are wonderful and not space hogs ... 
Replace CD jewel boxes with archival sleeves?
My one year old iMAC died. Hard drive and RAM - kaput. Backup is essential. 
Replace CD jewel boxes with archival sleeves?
Check out, you should just first the starter kit to determine whether the jewelsleeves fit in your storage. While much thinner and lighter, they are also significantly taller and wider. 
best small combo jazz recordings on vinyl
Bill Evans Waltz for Debby as well as any of his other live recordings. He tended to destroy recordings that he considered subpar; as a result, what has survived is top notch. 
Washington D.C.
Deja Vu Audio in McClean, VA is a must-visit. Amazing equipment and not far from downtown. CommandAV is also good. Both have websites although neither website does full justice to what you will find. 
Thinking about buying Zu Definitions, need advice
Call Zu and talk to Sean. I have found him very helpful. 
Changing to bookshelf speakers. Recommendations?
I have a Celestion SL700 based system in my bedroom and built a system for a friend around Spica TC-50s. Both are excellent. 
Zu or Harbeth
I wonder if Zu's return policy applies to "a tiny rock in the middle of the blue pacific." 
Who OWNS Zu Audio Speakers- Especially Definition
I own Zu Definition 2s and have enjoyed them a lot over the past 2+ years. They are dynamic and rich and full and enveloping and capable of filling a large space with great music. Not at all lean or clinical. And, of course, full-range. (The revie... 
Looking for new speakers?
Audio Note speakers are designed to be placed against the rear wall, although preferably in the corners. 
CDs with heavy, fast bass and/or long drum solos
ONDEKOZA: Dotou Banri (Long Journey of the Surging Wave) JVC XRCD2 (SVCD-1027) 
CD Player with Analogue Volume Controlled Output
EAR Acute - although I wholeheartedly recommend the Ancient Audio Lektor Prime (not available in the US as far as I know).