

Responses from gshepardbuster

Best SACD/CD player
Ayre C 5 xe mp although discontinued still available used.   
Best Cables for around $500
Ghost,  You are not kidding about the Columbias.  Well balanced cables for a reasonable cost.   
Rega RP10 vs. VPI Classic Signature
Bpoletti, I agree the Prime and a Signature would be another good choice but the OP is interested in having a new flavor not similar flavors:) 
Rega RP10 vs. VPI Classic Signature
If you have the rack space, time, and the $$$, why not have both? I have a Classic Sig with the steel arm and a Rega RP6 but would like to replace it with a RP8/10. The Sig is no slouch and sounds fantastic with even sub $1k carts. Never heard the... 
We seem to highly regard DEMO over anything else.
Amps and preamps don't worry me but speakers may be prefatigued by overdriving or worse yet underdriving. 
Cartridge breakin ......how long?
I have the Zephryr on a Classic too, you need to play with the VTA and azimuth to get the best sound. 
VPI classic 3.0 Signature anti-skate.
Using the anti-skate mechanism on my Signature with steel arm as well. Tried the twisted wire first but I think it sounds better with the anti-skate. Carts are Soundsmith Zephyr and Ortofon 2m Black. 
VPI Avenger
Miner42, Yes the Fosgometer needs a test record. I'm using the Analogue Productions Ultimate Test LP. It's easy to use and dial in with the help of the Soundsmith Intuitive. 
VPI Avenger
+1 for the Fosgometer! I thought I was dialed in until I used it. 
Snobbiest audio websites
To me the gear is a means to an end...that end being the music. I do have some pretty decent stuff but it's just as much fun wrapping about modestly priced combos as it is the mega $$$ setups. I won't mention any names but I hear you about the sno... 
Short speaker cable recommendation
Had some AQ cables made at 3' length and was no biggie to order that way. 
Does anyone run 2 or more turntables...
Soon to have a second TT so I can have one for MM and one for MC. I also have two CDPs cuz "sometimes you feel like a nut...sometimes you don't". Happy hunting! 
VPI Prime: Casual Review
Great review! I almost bought a Prime last week but thought about it too long and it was gone. Next time I won't drag my feet. 
You know you're an audiophile if--
....if while unboxing your latest purchase you think about the ad you will write later. 
Power Cord Advice
I'm just using a Kimber PK 14 on my P5. Since it's a regenerator it doesn't seem to matter as much, at least in my system.