
Responses from grossman616

Any other Pipe And Slippers Audiophiles out there?
See we had class! a long, long time ago....  
Is my amp good enough?
Like those guys said- never been a fan of NAD but to each their own...  
The speakers are great. Their customer support, not so great. stick with dealers for support.  
Have you asked yourself this question?
I still have a very good TT , phono pre-amp etc but almost never listen to it. Even though I started buying high performance  gear during ( possibly ) the golden age of tables. Some vinyl still sounds fantastic. Nowadays I can't get passed Click... 
Can you touch the tubes?
Tubes,yes. Quartz Halogen bulbs no. But your hands should be clean.,...  
Heavy Vinyl
" Heavy is good,heavy is reliable. If it jams you can hit him with it"   Borris  
Question: What are some of your best pieces of advise to someone new to the hobby?
Stop visiting sites like this, do your own research and enjoy your music!  
Old CD player back from the dead—prompting many questions!
Mr McCormack told me a long time ago "Newer doesn't always mean better" I still have my Mod Squad Prism CD player ( his first company -1988 vintage) and it still rocks. 5 volts RMS!. It's loud - with a fantastic  Phillips chip set. It can be mod... 
Old CD player back from the dead—prompting many questions!
I am running my 2nd Icon MK II (I broke the digital out connector on the first one, long story) into a Kora non oversampling dual mono tube DAC and could not be happier. The Cal's are bullet proof, very well made machines, just look under the hood... 
What new gear have you just bought?
2 Puritan Classic AC cords, VERY nice. and a pair of Marrow MA 3 interconnects. Jury is still out on those. Sounded better out of the box. 10 days on 24/7  no big woop BUT  Marrow says "that's normal" for them to get worse before they get better..... 
Ruminations On CD Players
I have had players/transports w/separate DACS for years and am still buying CD's. New doesn't mean better. I had 2 Arcams and were underwhelmed. Detailed but over all thin sounding ( to me) I have a wonderful California Audio Labs Icon II CDP .B... 
Best EXTERNAL DAC suggestions
See if you can find a Kora - Hermes Non Oversampling dual mono tube DAC. You will be very happy  
What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first?
Why Do Cables Matter?
Because they effect the sound.  
High end speakers at low volume