Responses from grossman616
Any other Pipe And Slippers Audiophiles out there? See we had class! a long, long time ago.... | |
Is my amp good enough? Like those guys said- never been a fan of NAD but to each their own... | |
magnepan The speakers are great. Their customer support, not so great. stick with dealers for support. | |
Have you asked yourself this question? I still have a very good TT , phono pre-amp etc but almost never listen to it. Even though I started buying high performance gear during ( possibly ) the golden age of tables. Some vinyl still sounds fantastic. Nowadays I can't get passed Click... | |
Can you touch the tubes? Tubes,yes. Quartz Halogen bulbs no. But your hands should be clean.,... | |
Heavy Vinyl " Heavy is good,heavy is reliable. If it jams you can hit him with it" Borris | |
Question: What are some of your best pieces of advise to someone new to the hobby? Stop visiting sites like this, do your own research and enjoy your music! | |
Old CD player back from the dead—prompting many questions! Mr McCormack told me a long time ago "Newer doesn't always mean better" I still have my Mod Squad Prism CD player ( his first company -1988 vintage) and it still rocks. 5 volts RMS!. It's loud - with a fantastic Phillips chip set. It can be mod... | |
Old CD player back from the dead—prompting many questions! I am running my 2nd Icon MK II (I broke the digital out connector on the first one, long story) into a Kora non oversampling dual mono tube DAC and could not be happier. The Cal's are bullet proof, very well made machines, just look under the hood... | |
What new gear have you just bought? 2 Puritan Classic AC cords, VERY nice. and a pair of Marrow MA 3 interconnects. Jury is still out on those. Sounded better out of the box. 10 days on 24/7 no big woop BUT Marrow says "that's normal" for them to get worse before they get better..... | |
Ruminations On CD Players I have had players/transports w/separate DACS for years and am still buying CD's. New doesn't mean better. I had 2 Arcams and were underwhelmed. Detailed but over all thin sounding ( to me) I have a wonderful California Audio Labs Icon II CDP .B... | |
Best EXTERNAL DAC suggestions See if you can find a Kora - Hermes Non Oversampling dual mono tube DAC. You will be very happy | |
What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first? Magnepans | |
Why Do Cables Matter? Because they effect the sound. | |
High end speakers at low volume Magnepans |