
Responses from grislybutter

What is the quality and performance level of Fluance turntables??
I owned the Fluance rt85 for 2 months, it was fine. Built well and performed nicely but nothing special. You can try it for 30 days for free.   
Am I right for this forum?
I don't understand your question, are you asking that the 3K value is below or above audiophile "grade"? Or do you feel not welcome here, for some other reason?    
Should Speaker Manufactures provide a Frequency Response Graph?
I think they have a lot more to publish before the frequency response graph. Honestly it's a mess what they don't publish. Power handling, sensitivity, impedance, crossover frequency, prices, where to buy, decent photos, company info, contact ther... 
Thin Line Between Critique and Courtrooms: A Dialogue on the Recent Audiophile Drama
@nonoise :)  
Thin Line Between Critique and Courtrooms: A Dialogue on the Recent Audiophile Drama
that email from Tekton was wild. The damage was done. Mea Culpa? Non-negotiable? This is bullying, period. I do not wish Tekton, its employees to lose any business because of this, but if they did, had, it’s not the reviewers' fault. The silver l... 
Thin Line Between Critique and Courtrooms: A Dialogue on the Recent Audiophile Drama
@johnk the problem is that it's Tekton's own doing, not upset audio geeks'. He keeps digging in, keeps arguing, coming up with awkward excuses (litigation is two lawyers having a friendly talk) and keeps this issue alive instead of just walking aw... 
Stereophile review of the $30,000 tekton speakers
too many holes :(  
Stereophile review of the $30,000 tekton speakers
ouch. the hole not deep enough?  
Your absolute top ten favorite tracks.
I have not been able to make ELO sound good. Beautiful melodies and an army of top musicians and still, the better the system, the noisier it is. I must be doing something wrong.  
Thin Line Between Critique and Courtrooms: A Dialogue on the Recent Audiophile Drama
since Erin's character has been a subject here, let me contribute. When I finished my speaker web site (a hobby and nothing more) I reached out to about 6 hifi/audiophile youtubers to ask if they had any feedback, would they used it for their rese... 
Thin Line Between Critique and Courtrooms: A Dialogue on the Recent Audiophile Drama
my 2 cents to Tekton: stop posting, talking, messaging, communicating about it. It will go away - make speakers not war  
Meeting up with members even where there is no sale
@elliottbnewcombjr it used to bother me but the fact is, this a business. If the web site's background color turned black tomorrow, and you couldn't read a thing, they wouldn't lose a penny, the forum is not generating income.   
Meeting up with members even where there is no sale
you can write an email to the admin and she will allow sharing contact info. Otherwise, just include a pointer to another forum where you can share contact info  
Stereophile review of the $30,000 tekton speakers
so let's assume that Erin had no reason to suspect it was designed like an IKEA cabinet and didn't expect holes in the bottom. And that in your eye, questions his credibility. His 100s of thorough, professional reviews means nothing to you.  
Stereophile review of the $30,000 tekton speakers
@tektondesign did he?