
Responses from grislybutter

Need help choosing my first amp for my first speakers
that NAD amp linked above is way overpriced, I saw it for $300 on shopgoodwill as well as on craigslist. Check out usaudiomart also.  
Need help choosing my first amp for my first speakers
You don’t need a zillion watts, unless you want to listen to music very loud. 50 Watts would be more than appropriate. You will find that the less watts, the better quality amplifier you’ll get for your money. If you just want to start, go to sho... 
I don't get it...Exile on main Street-Blue
@thecarpathian I never had a doubt that for me Let It Be and Abbey Road were out there, ahead of of the rest. And as soon as I got on the George train, Abbey Road had to win all my awards. I think it had to do with the fact that all the other albu... 
I don't get it...Exile on main Street-Blue
I think critiques don't want to be mainstream. Why is Sgt. Pepper rated ahead of Abbey Road? I never understood it.  
Starting a second system, need efficient speaker suggestions.
I would search in a page like:    
I don't get it...Exile on main Street-Blue
@tylermunns I am sorry I don’t get it. There is nothing to parse here, we might as well talk about race, nationality, age with a praise (e.g. one likes black Spanish female singers in their 50s) there would be nothing sexist, racist, etc. about it... 
I don't get it...Exile on main Street-Blue
@tylermunns  You keep repeating that calling female vocalist is sexist. In a context where it's the point. A men won't/can't have a female voice. Not even close. If I had to choose what I can listen to for the rest of my life, I would choose femal... 
I don't get it...Exile on main Street-Blue
I love to watch female soccer. A lot more technical and less physical than male soccer. Apologies to men. I am also embarrassed I didn't just call it soccer.   
I don't get it...Exile on main Street-Blue
I can't stand Mitchell. (And to be fair it's not just the music, all subjective, my memories) Let It Bleed is my #1, #2, #3 Stones album. Exile is OK.  
Turntable prices. Is my mind going?
you addressed me and quoted someone else. If you are really trying to get personal and attack others, you should focus a little more, you are all over the map. (Not just in your personal attacks :) )  
Are You A Disciplined Audiophile?
@hilde45 and he's getting angry and personal. "fun"  
Turntable prices. Is my mind going?
@hilde45 some forum engines have a filter option, where you can (un)select users never to see their comments. I would sure use it.  
Turntable prices. Is my mind going?
I abandoned my principles when I read your post here despite the horror of your past political statements, so yes, long story short I will not read your comments and not address you in the future, my bad...  
Rediscovered My album collection. Where to buy online.
@ketchup thanks! I didn't know. I thought all of them go through a/some digital steps, regardless of the media.  
Turntable prices. Is my mind going?
I see the purpose of posting here mainly for three reasons: asking a question answering a question sharing an experience relevant to the topic repeating the same argument a 1000 times, mostly off-topic, with no relevance to the question or ...