
Responses from greenman

Bel Canto DAC 2 or Ikemi?
Joyelyse, I'd make the drive to hear the Audio Note products.They are non-oversampling, no digital filter, tube output designs and are widely praised for their musicality. Try to listen to the AN-CD3.1x CDP ($2650.00) and if you can possibly consi... 
Bel Canto DAC 2 or Ikemi?
I haven't heard the two side by side but my sense is that the Ikemi is the better unit. Although Bel Canto has suggested that transports don't matter that much they DO make very audible differences through the DAC2. With a great transport and digi... 
Moving Out of Matrix 805's
Another vote for Green Mountain Europas or Reynaud Trentes.I find the 805 Matrix sins of omission more acceptable than the N805s sins of commission so I would avoid that route. I haven't heard either the Reference 3A or the VMPS 626R but people I ... 
Maggie 1.6QR vs 3.6R and Room Size
The 1.6QR will be fine in a room that size given enough juice. Your budget (I'm assuming you mean $4K) isn't going to remotely approach an appropriate tube amp in this context. I suggest you try to fund used Bryston 7B-SSTs although the ST model i... 
B&W N803 vs. Revel F30
I can't say that I'm especially fond of either speaker on your list. The F30 sounds decent but I find the looks and cabinet build quality a bit off putting. The N803 is just the opposite, good looks and build quality but a sound that I cannot tole... 
Jena Labs
I haven't tried the Jena Labs cables so I can't speak to that part of your question but I do think you should add Stealth Hybrid MLT & UR and Audience Au24 to your audition list. My experience is that good cables (we'll exclude the real junk a... 
Recommend a good Monitor for my existing system
First of all I would add the ProAc Tablette Sigs, J M Reynaud Trente and Sonus Faber Signums to your list. I have not heard the Epos or the Quads from your list but I find the SF Concertinos to be quite veiled relative to some of the others you li... 
Rogue M-120 to Atma-sphere MA-1 Mk.II.2?
I have no experience with the VR5s but I have had plenty of time to compare the Rogue and the Atma-sphere. The Rogues, while very good amps for the money, are completely out-classed by the MA-1 Mk II.2s and sound quite opaque (in either mode) in c...