
Responses from greenman

What's the best s.s. integrated for Khorns?
You might want to try the Bel Canto eVo 2i II. It is way more power than you need. However, the designer uses horns (not K-horns) at home and I think the voicing is likely to be synergistic with K-horns. The Sugden seems like another reasonable op... 
A few possible upgrades from Spendor BC-1
If your uncle has room the Green Mountain Continuum 2s currently for sale on Audiogon look like a great deal. Visually some people find them unacceptable but they sound good and are adjustable for different listening distances. 
Beveridge speakers-does anyone still use them?
Amazing speakers! I have, however, encountered older Beveridge speakers with deteriorated panels so be very careful if you're shopping for a used pair. I think you can obtain new panels from Harold Beveridge's son but the cost might be staggering.... 
A few possible upgrades from Spendor BC-1
I know most of the speakers you list although I have never heard the BC3. The SP1/2 is the closest to the BC1. Some listeners find it less "magical" than the BC1 but it is actually significantly more accurate. It tightens up the slightly loose bas... 
Regarding DK Design Vs.1 Reference Mk2 amp ???
I have to agree with Snofun3 entirely. I would add that the notion that all those used Mk IIs for sale represent happy consumers upgrading to Mk IIIs completely beggars credibility. I hope Larry will be able to turn this company around but the mar... 
Best turntable for easy setup and no maintenence?
I don't buy the revisionist view of the D-D Technics tables.Linn made their reputation by doing A-B comparisons of the orginal LP-12 against the SP-10 with both tables fitted with Grace 707 arms and Supex cartridges (if my 30-year old memories are... 
Stealth cables
I'm going to have to chime in here with Garys & Cjr888. I have used Stealth PGS, CWS, and Hybrid MLT in my own system and listened to Varidig and M7 (the interconnect) in friends' systems. While I don't believe there is a universal "best" cabl... 
Need a transport solution-Suggestions? PC based?
Keep in mind that a transport has parts that wear out. Any used CDP or transport is going to be a bit of a crapshoot. That said, there is a Pioneer based EAD transport and a Pioneer PD-65 for sale now on Audiogon. Theta and Wadia (for the 830/301)... 
Bel Canto DAC 2 or Ikemi?
The Vecteur D2.2 ($1490) gets very good reviews (I have not heard it). The caveat is that the importer(there are very few dealers), Mutine, seems to be either an arrogant jerk or hopelessly disorganized or both. Aside from the Vecteur well regarde... 
No Bi-Amp but tubes for Maggies -- can it be done?
Nice post Nealhead, your experience far exceeds mine. I enjoyed the comparison with the Wolcotts which I've never had the chance to audition. 
No Bi-Amp but tubes for Maggies -- can it be done?
Gullahisland is on the money. I'm quite capable of distinguishing between "either" and "eater" and can spell both. You assumed that I was an idiot, I'm not. I believe the well-mannered move at this point would be to apologize for an ill-considered... 
No Bi-Amp but tubes for Maggies -- can it be done?
Tireguy, no confusion on my part. You're talking theory and I'm talking practice with unmodified Maggies. Try not to be so patronizing, especially when you lack first hand experience. I don't need a lecture on either Maggies or OTLs. I'm actually ... 
No Bi-Amp but tubes for Maggies -- can it be done?
I HAVE tried the MA 1 Mk II.2 on Maggies and there are zero problems. True the Magneplanars do not present an ideal load for an OTL but there is not a hint of instability. The Atma-sphere is NOT a ribbon tweeter eater. 
No Bi-Amp but tubes for Maggies -- can it be done?
Not a cheap option but the Atma-sphere MA 1 Mk II.2 works well with the Maggies and to my ears it is one the great amps period. It won't give you the bass slam of a BIG SS amp but you do get amazing transparency. I have not heard the Wolcotts but ... 
Which amp is best to drive Magneplanar 1.6's?
The Maggies definitely perform best with tons of current. I have heard most of above suggestions and if you can afford it the Bryston 7BSTs (or SSTs) are definitely the way to go. A notch down but still very good would be the Bel Canto Evo4 in ste...