

Responses from grannyring

Krissy, I could feel your tremendous love for Tim whenever I read your posts involving him. Your shared passion for the Lord, audio and innovation helped build what I discerned as a strong and emotionally intimate marriage. I am so sorry for your ... 
American Made Speaker Cables Bulk
Already a custom builder using Duelund wire with a nice established business and that would be me! Nice if you leave me alone 🙂 
Network Switches
It all matters in digital is 100% correct! The DC cable also matters from the linear power supply.  The parts in the LPS matter. I am trying the OpticalRendu very soon as I am confident it will matter and help sound quality based on all the user c... 
Who needs a Preamp??
I am also a poster child for preamps.  Won’t go into the dozens I have built and owned, but I love preamps! Beyond infatuation at this stage in our long relationship. Yep, it depends says it all.   
Network Switches
You simply cannot be taken seriously based on how you handle  yourself here.  It would be nice to converse with an adult and one who possesses an open mind is also a plus.  Oh well.  
Network Switches
I used to think ethernet cables could not possibly make a difference or improve sound quality. Well after trying A SOTM Cat 7 cable, it was clear this particular cable made an immediate and quite substantial improvement. My SOTM switch and Innuos ... 
Network Switches
@atdavid & @yyzsantabarbara.   I will let Steakster confirm, but that comment was in no way aimed at you gentlemen. Your posts have been very open minded and helpful.   Thank you for sharing your knowledge.   
Network Switches
@yyzsantabarbara. I very much appreciate your posts. I have been reading on the subject and the new Sonore Opti products. Great stuff. I have a question. I don’t want to sell and buy a new dac and streamer, but I want to experiment with optical et... 
Atma-sphere Updates
I know the rest of us know this and it’s probably best to just drop it so the outlier hopefully grows board or the mods delete his hyperbolic posts. He is intent on not accepting reasonable considerations and running down the narrow lane of assumi... 
Network Switches
+3 steakster 
Network Switches
Understand. One would need to run optical inside the house .....between the walls etc... to use this medium. Correct? Or is it traditional ethernet cabling into one side of the new optical ready switch and optical out of the switch? My server does... 
Network Switches
That old argument of miles and miles of this and that before our system is nonsense. Just nonsense. If it were true then nothing would matter in our audio rigs. Power cords, speakers, cables, caps, resistors, power supplies, conditioners, tweaks..... 
Network Switches
Well my experience with optical connections has been they simply don’t sound as good. May be time to try it again?  
Network Switches
I went with the standard SOTM Switch due to finances.  I would love the new Innuos reclocker, but it is simply out of my budget ☹️ 
Network Switches
I have the SOTM Switch. Very nice sound quality improvement. My son is an IT network tech and security expert. He also heard the improvement. He is open minded and while he does not understand how or why, he knows what he heard. I also power the S...