

Responses from grannyring

Is it safe to use a higher amperage rating fuse?
This company makes some good breakers as I have used 3A, 5A, and 10A in amps, preamps and DACs in the past. Tube Research Labs used to use these in their tube amps and preamps. Eaton  Heinemann 
Is it safe to use a higher amperage rating fuse?
Have you tried a nice breaker as an on/off in your builds? If not, you have no idea how much better they sound than a fuse. Some smart builders use them. I use them all the time.  I have spend the time and effort to compare.  
Is it safe to use a higher amperage rating fuse?
I have tested it. No fuse sounds best - bypassed. High end fuse sounds next best. Stock fuse the worst. So simple to hear anyone open minded enough can hear it. Build gear with high quality on/off breakers to avoid the whole fuse sonic bottleneck.... 
What about grannyring Helix interconnect cables and Helix power cords?
I have two of my personal double helix ICs built as above that may be available in two weeks.  Dismantling a second work studio system. If interested just let me know.   
Hapa Audio
Wig, you seemed to like the Breathe C ICs over your helix builds....,correct?  
What about grannyring Helix interconnect cables and Helix power cords?
The double helix design with two runs of 18 gauge solid core Neotech copper wire in Teflon on the positive and two runs of 16 gauge silver over copper stranded copper wire in Teflon on the outer helix (negative).  KLEI Absolute Harmony plugs.  Bes... 
Hapa Audio
The reviews are from long time trusted and experienced Aphiles known in that audio community. I ordered a set based on the credibility of the posters and looking at the design.  I will report back once I have a chance to hear them in my system.  
What about grannyring Helix interconnect cables and Helix power cords?
Just so you know I never sold these here on the Gon except for a couple of my personal sets that were extra and lying around. Other than that I only made a couple of these cables for audio friends. I am no longer making cables. Never sold Helix po... 
Hapa Audio
Interesting design for sure. I purchased a set to compare to my DIY reference.  We will see... 
This is the list of the best makers of audio equipment. Respond if you disagree
Spot on.  
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
Thanks and agree!  
Duelund conversion to DIY Helix Geometry Cabling
Did you use stranded or solid core? Solid core is very, very stiff! Not sure if solid core is the safest to use long term if one moves cables a bit.   
Sending a 110 lb amp to the manufacturer for cleaning/calibration. Good idea? How to ship?
The amp will most likely need new electrolytic caps throughout based on age. Once replaced the amp will indeed sound better. These do dry out over 20 years are don’t hold to spec any longer.  This will cost, but it will help you keep the amp for m... 
Sending a 110 lb amp to the manufacturer for cleaning/calibration. Good idea? How to ship?
MC has given you sage advice.  My vote for post of the month!  
Mojo Audio Mystique EVO
Yes I do.   I put those in per Ben’s recommendation.