

Responses from grannyring

Is there such thing as a "vocal" forward DAC?
I find Lampizator dacs to be forward sounding in general. Perhaps you could demo one. The vocals are also up front.  
Streamer/Server to replace Innuos Zenith
I used to agree wholeheartedly with the above post regarding Sense 2.0 vs Roon. This is no longer true with Roon’s latest update. 
Electrolytic capacitor replacement
You can measure what’s in there and see what value they really are. Electrolytics can vary up to 20% depending on spec.  You can ask Sonic Craft to match the caps as close to 55uf as possible. Yes, use bypass caps for sure. You can use a cap like ... 
If you must stay within a given budget, then this would be a suggested order of performance hierarchy to consider. 1) True Copper & Jupiter HT would be good choices.  True Copper will deliver slightly better resolution, inner detail and bass a... 
Again, the HT’s will cost “about” the same as Odam? Why not go for the better Odam?! The HT’s are warm and full bodied sounding. Very musical. They are not on the level of the Odams however in most ways really. Not heard the Rike. Yes, the HTs are... 
Circle Labs A200 Integrated amplifier review - It will appeal to both tube and SS lovers……
I should mention my speakers are 5 ohm and 89db efficient. My room is large being 24 feet wide by 32 feet deep with 10 foot ceilings. The A200 drives the speaker and room to listening levels beyond most any audiophile needs. As I have mentioned,  ... 
Circle Labs A200 Integrated amplifier review - It will appeal to both tube and SS lovers……
This has me thinking more about my time with the A200. It is not the sort of amp that wows the listener in the first minutes of listening with sonic feats of strength. Some amps will do this initially, but over time other imperfections begin to re... 
Circle Labs A200 Integrated amplifier review - It will appeal to both tube and SS lovers……
My experience could not be more different than yours. Have you really heard the A200 in your very own system for some days? It is not warm sounding and I find it more resolving and open than Coda. The Coda #8 sounded much more SS like in its prese... 
Circle Labs A200 Integrated amplifier review - It will appeal to both tube and SS lovers……
@xrayz Sorry, I have not heard the small A100, although Colin did mention it. My room is simply too large to consider it with my 89db efficient speakers.  
Circle Labs A200 Integrated amplifier review - It will appeal to both tube and SS lovers……
@audioman58 I respect Coda.  Great gear. Owned the #8 amplifier and 07x preamp in the exact same system as the A200.  I happen to enjoy the sound of the A200 more for the reasons shared in my review.  The A200 is simply an option for those looking... 
If the discounted price on the Odam caps is still too high, then I would stick with what you have. Other caps priced at $20-$30 each would be a sideways move for the most part. On paper, I would think the Miflex copper cap an upgrade, but my ears ... 
The Theta caps are really not bad. Forget the Humble Audio Review site comments on these as in electronics they are pretty good really. That said, your amps are top notch and upgrading to VH Audio Odams is something you will hear and appreciate po... 
Yes, those are coupling caps and are certainly and important ingredient to your amplifier’s sound. Those are wonderful amplifiers with great build quality. I owned the 339 monoblock Reference amps and enjoyed them tremendously. Canary used Hovland... 
Circle Labs A200 Integrated amplifier review - It will appeal to both tube and SS lovers……
Agreed @jjss49 I just purchased 4 of these NOS tubes for $100 so the price is also right!  
18 pieces! How can that be? Well yes that is quite some money. Please remind me of the amp model we are talking about here and the positions you are using them. I assume not as bypass caps in the power supply?  Thanks. Bill