

Responses from grannyring

How do you enhance a bad listening room's accoustics without breaking the bank? thoughts?
Just placed an order from GIK.  45 days out for my hybrid diffusion/absorption/trap panels.  My wife approved them as they are quite attractive.   
Mojo Audio Mystique EVO
I would love to try a Jay’s or Pro-Ject transport in my rig with my cabling and footers. I would need it as a trial purchase for comparison purposes.  If it is significantly better, to my ear, than the PWT I would buy it. Better for me is not a ma... 
Mojo Audio Mystique EVO
Yes, the transport matters. But the digital cable and power cord also matters in terms of the sound output of the transport. The footers matter also. The fuse matters. Oh my. Very important really. So much matters. I have the some of the best anc... 
Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?
Yes on the .27uf combo from Audience or Sonicap. Both should be a step up. I am basing this on the parts quality used throughout the amp which are modest. Someone is making the QS caps, but I am fairly certain they are not quite up to the Audience... 
Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?
One last thing.  You could also upgrade the wires going from under the preamp mounting board to the RCAs. VH Audio Airlok silver 18 gauge is great.  The Airlok copper is much less and also good.  You only need a foot or two.  
Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?
The Orange Drop caps are nowhere near the Vcap Odams in performance. The Odams are far more nuanced, resolving, dynamic and real sounding. Not close. However, neither is the price ☹️ Both the Audience XOs and Sonicaps are also a nice step up.If yo... 
Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?
I would replace with the Mundorf caps. They will improve sonics a little. Better bass and a touch more clarity. Not expensive and easy to do since the preamp is already disassembled. I would add one bypass film cap to each Mundorf electrolytic. A ... 
Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?
Your amplifier has 4 coupling caps that can be improved on.  The two orange ones are .22uf and are Orange Drop brand. Replace with Vcap Odams if you can afford them. Audience Auricap XO if you need to spend less.  Both will fit.  It also has 2 whi... 
Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?
I would do what I said above with your preamp.  Replace the Alps Blue pot with the same value TKD. The potentiometer has a sticker on the back that tells you if it’s 25k, 50k, 100k etc…. Nice step up in resolution and realism. More than replacing ... 
Better CD Sound: The Search
Thanks Charles. Please let us know what your findings are with the Pro-ject. I am most interested.  
Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?
As an example, if you have the standard QS Linestage, then the top two things you can do are:- replace the Alps Blue pot with the same exact value TKD pot from Japan. Big jump in resolution and realism. - replace the film coupling caps behind the ... 
Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?
Please share the QS models so I can be very specific. Need to see the space you have and what’s in there now. QS gear is a great brand to upgrade. They are built very well, point to point, simple circuits, and built with modest parts quality. I th... 
Better CD Sound: The Search
Here is the post I promised to share comparing CD spinning to a streamer/server digital front end. I purchased the very good PS Audio PWT transport two weeks ago because I have been hearing folks say CD spinning sounds much better than a server. S... 
Mojo Audio Mystique EVO
Interesting. I purchased the very good PS Audio PWT transport two weeks ago because I have been hearing folks say what Benjamin just posted. Ben shared this with me recently. So I have a very nice Hijiri Nogami power cord on the transport and the ... 
That is why I asked. Furutech makes some nice mini spades as well as others. Far more secure. Should also be used with stranded wire as it is more fragile and tight clamping will damage the strands. The strands will break over time and cause sonic...