

Responses from grannyring

Better CD Sound: The Search
Oh boy. I need one now Charles 😬 Where did you buy it? Do they give a trial period? I gather you will be keeping your new spinner. Please continue to post as it breaks in. Thank you Charles  
Sunfire sig 600 or sanders Magtech
No, I will buy it for more! 😁 
V-Cap Odam or Miflix output caps In preamp
Don of Sach’s now offers the Odams as he really liked them. I have put the Odams in dacs, preamps, amplifiers both SS and tube, and in crossovers . They are wonderful top to bottom. I had a buddy with the nice Sach’s tube preamp. It had the Miflex... 
Best kept secret in AC line filtering conditioning
Yes indeed. I want to take that site more seriously, but time after time they show how narrow minded/scoped they are and don’t even do listening tests. It’s like rating food ingredients based on measurements and never really tasting. Certainly see... 
Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?
Yes Solen Fast caps are made in France. They could very well be used by QS. They are the very definition of modest quality…at best. Dull and flat sounding compared to the better ones mentioned here. Used by many builders because they are very low ... 
Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?
Agreed. My point is vs Jupiter caps and those are not being carried for other reasons beyond what we want as I understand it.Jeff at Sonic Craft is a great guy and I have learned a great deal from him. Big plus for the industry! I will try the oth... 
Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?
Wow. The Odams never sound congested in the over 20 units I placed them in. In audio it seems nothing is ever absolute. We get that. I know Jeff at Sonic Craft likes the Miflex. The Jupiter copper caps sound better, but he no longer sells them. He... 
Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?
That is funny. I dislike Miflex. Far too forward sounding to me. I replaced them in my integrated amp and past tube dac with Odams. The Odams were clearly better in every sonic parameter.  Now Vcaps do take awhile to burn in. Longer than Miflex. W... 
No Insurance with FEDEX as of 11/01
I like UPS and ship with them almost daily. Never an issue. FedEx will suffer from this decision if reported accurately here.  
Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?
Yes, the EVO line is not as tipped up. Agreed.  I have used them in crossovers where I needed larger values and had little space. 
Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?
I would not use Mundorf film caps for your amps. They are rather tipped up in the upper midrange and can sound a tad too brilliant and artificial. This is compared to the better sounding caps like Vcap Odam, Jupiter copper foil, Jupiter HT and oth... 
How do you enhance a bad listening room's accoustics without breaking the bank? thoughts?
Just placed an order from GIK.  45 days out for my hybrid diffusion/absorption/trap panels.  My wife approved them as they are quite attractive.   
Mojo Audio Mystique EVO
I would love to try a Jay’s or Pro-Ject transport in my rig with my cabling and footers. I would need it as a trial purchase for comparison purposes.  If it is significantly better, to my ear, than the PWT I would buy it. Better for me is not a ma... 
Mojo Audio Mystique EVO
Yes, the transport matters. But the digital cable and power cord also matters in terms of the sound output of the transport. The footers matter also. The fuse matters. Oh my. Very important really. So much matters. I have the some of the best anc... 
Tube Amp, Preamp upgrades -- what did you do that improved your units?
Yes on the .27uf combo from Audience or Sonicap. Both should be a step up. I am basing this on the parts quality used throughout the amp which are modest. Someone is making the QS caps, but I am fairly certain they are not quite up to the Audience...