

Responses from grannyring

New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
Agear, until you hear my MM vs your standard it is impossible to know. I cannot say you are or wrong... 
Dueland CAST PIO
Amen to the last responses. No not bypass and get Duelumd CAST caps. Enjoy! 
Dueland CAST PIO
Good question Charles. I assume one person's 10% is another person's 25%. Impossible to quantify and subjective reality. 
Dueland CAST PIO
The jump from the Mundorf SGO is huge my friend as I have done it. Nothing special about that SGO Mundorf cap to be very honest. It is good, but a $10 JFX FB Premium film cap is better. Ya, I have compared both! I would start with the Duelund caps... 
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
Don't know as my MM with mods and power supply is quite good! Can't say one would smoke another without a real a/b comparison. Less this it is all speculation at best. 
Dueland CAST PIO
They will indeed improve your speaker unless it is one of very low quality. What speaker are you talking about? I use these caps in all my projects and they always sound fantastic! If your speaker is capable of revealing better gear in front of it... 
When is digital going to get the soul of music?
The soul of the music is in the heart and soul of the listener. Digital has done it for me already. 
Modifying the TAD-60
I added a separate transformer to power the power tube filaments taking some load off the existing transformer. I felt there was indeed sonic improvements and the amp ran slightly cooler.I added far more capacitance in the power supply and instead... 
Review: Tube Research Labs Dude Tube preamp
Davea33, I use a solid core copper power cord made by Paul. Congrats on your Dude! What amp do use with the Dude?Charles, my system is sounding quite good. I plan to put Duelund caps in my Lampizator and speakers! 
Review: Tube Research Labs Dude Tube preamp
Well Hi Johnsonwu,I am now using a First Watt M2 amp and I just love it with the Dude. Great match! Best sound I have had in my room to date. Also have Coincident Total Victory III speakers and a Lampizator dac.Everything just works well together! 
Review: Tube Research Labs Dude Tube preamp
Time to post an update to this thread. I have a new Dude that is slightly different from my last one. I went with no selector switch and just one input.This simplifies the Dude and gives a slightly purer sound. My new Dude also has the wonderful D... 
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
I also thought Glory's comments were in jest. Good to see apologies and forgiveness in action. A needed blessing moment here on the Gon. 
New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house
Thanks Abruce. 
No more big power supplies for preamps
Ait, you are da man! Very impressive preamp and that power amp is over the top! I will follow your progress. You are certainly very good at this. Impressive to say the least. 
No more big power supplies for preamps
Ait, nice job on the preamp! Love to see the rest of it.