

Responses from grannyring

Tekton Double Impacts
We disagree it seems Terry. I read your post several times and as a reviewer your posts have meaning and impact on many. I stand by my response as a Reasonable understanding of yours and more importantly a reasonable understanding of how others wi... 
Tekton Double Impacts
@aniwolfe you like a Lyngdorf 2170 system.  Your pleasure is not with a class of amps, but with a particular brand and design of a powered dac.  I don’t like broad brush generalizations, but rather think we should share on individual pieces.  Agreed? 
Tekton Double Impacts
Good question Charles. No hostility on this thread, but yes here on the Gon. My comments are actual quotes from several 2170 owners/members and not my own “sense” only. Hope this helps. 
Tekton Double Impacts
Lyngdorf 2170 owners I have experienced an upgrade/modification that any good local tech can accomplish for you. The upgrade is not cheap, $350 in parts, but the result is stunning. I was so overwhelmed by it that I told the manufacturer. I would ... 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
Do you work for Mark?  
Tekton Double Impacts
Cannot classify all Class D amps as sounding a certain way anymore than you can say all tube, class A or Class A/B amps sound the same. Listening to 4 Class D amps, or even 10, and then suggesting no Class D amp is your cup of tea is not logical o... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Just loving my DI speakers so much. Listening to music, all kinds of music, and experiencing new levels of realism. I hear voice inflections, details, recording space nuances and lyrics with newfound levels of resolution and realism. What is most ... 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
I think,  based  on experience, it is close to impossible to translate what one hears to another’s set up. The Terra low cost cable is very warm in my system...not at all bright? Why? My system is different. I go directly from the modem to my Musi... 
Whats playing on your system today?
@czarivey oh my Bireli Lagrene is great! Listening to Blue Eyes and a bunch of other stuff.  
Tekton Double Impacts
@corelli.   I will contact you directly for these kinds of questions so as to not flood this thread with these details both in respect to the thread and Eric. Thanks.  
Tekton Double Impacts
The woofer question is interesting. My speaker did not have the Alpha woofer, but a much deeper dimensionally and over one pound heavier woofer. For me, this is a personal taste thing. The woofer played the deepest notes when there, but bass above... 
Tekton Double Impacts
Eric I wish I had your knowledge and skills as I greatly respect you as a designer. By the way that LOL statement in my last post was an error. I use voice activation on my phone not sure where that came from. Just wanted you to know that as I don... 
Tekton Double Impacts
lol Eric, the 10 inch driver is but one small change in the list of many as you know. How do you know which woofers I had? These have also changed over the months as you know. The biggest improvements, yes improvements, came from wire and crossove... 
Most Important, Unloved Cable...
@david_ten   Thanks for posting. Most interesting.  I will look into the WireWorld stuff.   
Tekton Double Impacts
Very nice of you to come on the thread and answer the questions Eric. I am glad to hear that you have fine-tuned the speaker to exactly where you want it to be now.I will just assume then that my late August set has pretty much the same design as ...