

Responses from grannyring

Binding Post Jumpers - New Product!!!
Night and day difference between Duelund and Belden sound. Don’t let your preconceived notions of tinned wire cloud or block an open minded hearing of this great wire. I had the same conventional knowledge and thinking. This wire has lots of folks... 
High value, high efficiency speakers for SET amps
Speakers are indeed most important and the pairing with the right amp is part of it. The source is always important, but today many good ones can be had cheaply with the speaker/amp combo really determining the resulting sound to the greatest degr... 
Where can one send caps etc... to be Cryo treated here in the states?
Wonderful and great.  Thank you!  
Where can one send caps etc... to be Cryo treated here in the states?
Perfect and thanks a ton! 
Binding Post Jumpers - New Product!!!
The banana plugs. I am going to add them to the wiring harness going from the outboard crossovers to my Living Voice speakers.  I use a Duelund bare wire right now.  
Tekton Impact Monitors
Actually, I find these speakers to sound great. Really great. I was impressed before the upgrade and more so after. I was actually surprised by the amount of good bass. My comments are general comments about booming and remedies. These monitors pa... 
Tekton Impact Monitors
Footers help for sure, but won’t eliminate booming as part of a design. Internal damping, footers and very low DCR coils all can help.   
Binding Post Jumpers - New Product!!!
I have some coming in to test vs Neotech and bare wire. I will report back. Will be interesting.  
Tekton Impact Monitors
Hi guys. The caps will not fix boomy bass. Boomy bass is caused more by the inductor and lack of proper cabinet damping. I am specifically talking about bass boom/overhang here. I did add a little acoustic damping to Scott’s speakers as damping is... 
Duelund cast Pio Hybrid Copper/Silver or Rs series with Silver Bypass PIO
 Nice  looking speakers. Look to have great build quality.   
Duelund cast Pio Hybrid Copper/Silver or Rs series with Silver Bypass PIO
You made a good decision sticking with the heavy gauge solid core  wound over foil. You will love the results.  What are you using for internal wire. Looks like Duelund copper stranded? Thoughts of placing the crossover outboard? Very good for Son... 
Duelund cast Pio Hybrid Copper/Silver or Rs series with Silver Bypass PIO
Very nice.  You have some very high quality boards that will help make your speaker sound beautiful. Did you make the inductors or were they made for you? Nice!  
Binding Post Jumpers - New Product!!!
I like the build design as it as close to no connector as I have seen. Connectors degrade sound compared to bare wire hook up. That goes for binding posts and connectors. I usually bypass both!  Many aphile type posts and connectors are very heavy... 
JAM by Duelund
Just order two Path Audio and put in parallel. They will now handle 20 watts. Two in parallel always sound better than one! If you need a 4ohm resistor, example only, put two 8 ohm in parallel for your 4 ohm spec.  
JAM by Duelund
Agreed on a Path Audio as they are quiet and even handed throughout the frequency spectrum.  . Best resistors I have used. I like the Mills MRA12 better than Mundorf, but both are good. Mills are nice and extended, but never bright.