Responses from gp4jesus
Good Stereo Speakers for outside use during BBQs, evening pot luck dinners etc Another +1 for Polk Atriums - recommend the 6s or 8s. The Atrium 4s or 5s mid woofer a bit small for so much space to fill. Regardless their rep is they‘ll be around for years and decent sound, slightly “hot” top end | |
The very best sound: Direct to Disc Just chiming in on a topic that drives us all bonkers for the right reason: the music! | |
How many people here generally buy used? All amps, subs, EXOs, TT, blu-ray player - usedspeakers - factory refurbs but looked perfectTV, pre/pro, CD changer - new | |
RCA to XLR Adapter ebm6 is correct - adapters in the path will degrade SQConcerning the “mixing and matching” connecting single ended to balanced or the reverse - some degradation can occur. My cables are the adapter - XLR on one end, RCA one the other. My balanced ... | |
Parasound vs Rotel Amps Geph0007: more truth to those words than some would admit😊 | |
RCA to XLR Adapter If you make your own, be patient, twice check your connections, and try one channel at a time. If you get hum, obviously something is incorrect, check again😊Been there, ”doing that,” satisfied w/the results. One day I’ll upgrade the cabling. Right... | |
Parasound vs Rotel Amps Well coming to this party LATE...Parasound versus Rotel? I own, compared, and still use some vintage stuff. Namely Rotel 900 series - 980BX & 981 compared them to Parasound’s HCA-1000/1000 collectively tri-amping towers. The P’sound were great... |