
Responses from glow_worm

Looking for recommendations on Tube AMPS to drive Monitor Audio Platinum Speakers
My experience with MA is  the minimum power requirements listed in their specs are quite accurate. The min on this speaker is 60w, so I would definitely use this # as a guide.  
Speaker shootout update; aggressive treble eliminating some (fairly?)
Twoleftears  +1 I notice when selecting speakers, many will audition several models all the same tweeter material  (usually metal), and then conclude that all the speakers are  bright. Better to compare the different material types  (metal, soft, ... 
Flexable Power Cables for PS Audio Stellar PreAmp/Dac S300 amp
Stereo5, eh, I don’t know. I’m not familiar with the Pangeas but they seem well constructed. it’s just hard to believe a strip of power cord could have a profound (i.e. less than subtle) effect on sound in most systems. I use Shunyata as well, but... 
Flexable Power Cables for PS Audio Stellar PreAmp/Dac S300 amp
The wireworld side by side design is very flexible cable, well shielded and a good value. Stereo5 - Pangea power cables sucked the life out of your system? Seems like a pretty extreme result from a power cable.  
High Sensitivity Speakers
Chilli, re your question, take a few minutes and read the link below. No idea how old it is or where  I found it, but I’ve kept it because its one of the best summaries I’ve seen about the technical considerations in selecting truly efficient spea... 
What could be the differences between the Spendor A4 and A7 in terms of sound quality?
Kren0006. Excellent comparative much appreciated. Will help a lot in my A7 v D7 decision. I have to listen again and then decide. Like many here I’m really cautious about bright, tilted up, over analytic etc., so it leads to a little paranoia when... 
What could be the differences between the Spendor A4 and A7 in terms of sound quality?
Agree about the A’s appearance. Vinyl Sound makes grills for $189 I’m considering attach to woofer screws, I assume the sound would be unaffected but can’t be sure.  
What could be the differences between the Spendor A4 and A7 in terms of sound quality?
Sorry...PL = primaluna :) 
What could be the differences between the Spendor A4 and A7 in terms of sound quality?
I’ve been researching the A4, A7 and D7 for quite a while. Generally forum comments lean toward the A7 (more base, fuller sound), the only trade off being the price difference. D7 is considered a step up, though many still prefer the A7 upper mids... 
Sony HAP-Z1ES HDD audio player. FAULTY ?????? a new owner
I’ve had one for 3+ years, no hum issues at all (using RCAs, not balanced). Solid and reliable so far. Possible that’s why it was sold? Do you you have any recourse with the seller? 
Something is missing
I own both a Z1 and a vega G2. The differences are minor, especially considering the price delta. The Sony really holds it’s own, so this isn’t the change you should focus on. The DAC change recommendations above...I doubt they are even familiar w... 
Does raising speaker cables off the floor really make a big difference?
I’ve never been able to detect a difference, but I figure why not. I use Legos. Can be configured to any cable, height, even carpet color. $10 
Really...My favorite power tube is reissue that's not widely popular
Completely agree. JB turned me onto these 6 months ago and I’ve never taken them out. Superb performance bass and mids, with a top end that i can only describe as effortless. And at $100 a quad! 
$27,500 for whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???
At least Wilson doesn’t claim that the paint improves the sound. Then someone would jump in and say don’t knock their claim until you do an A/B test.  
Devore Nines and amp match
Thanks everyone for the replies, all v helpful!bjesien - When comparing the SS to the tubes...did you notice any signs of the Nines needing more power? MY PL does a surprising job of powering difficult speakers (4 ohm, 3.5 min), and I’ve compared ...