

Responses from glen

Plasma Screens vs. Sony Grand Wega tri-LCD?
Have you ever seen a Ronco plasma? Nothing compares. The picture will take you to another dimension. I have not seen the Sony you speak of, but will check one out soon. 
7500 for USED cables? Are they joking?
I was waiting to announce the release of my new REVOLUTIONARY POWER CORD "The ANGRY INCH" (copyright pending) till this summer, however after reading this disturbing thread I am pushing the release date forward and will begin excepting orders imme... 
RCA to BNC adapters
I had the opposite problem and found some RCA to BnC adaptors at my HiFi store however Radio Shack was recommended to me by several people for decent adaptors. 
Noise, hum and AC polarity
Sean,I'm amazed that you read 61 volts from ground to chassis. Heck, I might have to check my gear just out of curiosity now. Obviously this was your highest reading? What were you able to correct the voltage to by flipping the cord? Sounds to me ... 
Removal of acoustic popcorn ceiling?
Personally I'm with your wife on this one. Popcorn ceilings are way to tacky (looking). I'm sure there is something you can do that would at least equal the sonic equivalent of that god-awful popcorn. 
Anyone heard of this ? Possible "scam" ?
Definitely a scam dude. YOU GOT RIPPED OFF!!! Try to deal with it :~)Hope this helps 
Will new power cords by my answer?
Do you have at least two but preferably three dedicated circuits in place? I would couple that with some better power cords and a better power conditioner to obtain optimum performance.In the past I have asked myself the same questions you are ask... 
Theta Gen VIII - primed to jump 4 years ahead
They have also just recently released their new line of mono-block amps. Think of the possibilities :~) 
Help: Classe CAV75 problem?
I have a CA-150 that does that same thing. I had the piece back at the factory right after I bought it and they did nothing to correct that particular problem. I own the Ca-301 too which works fine in shut down. I guess it's something we have to l... 
Bridging Classe CA-100's
I use a Classe CAV-150 six-channel amp bridged for three channels in my H/T system. It works very nice in this config. However it is only feeding my center and rear channels so it's a little hard to tell what's really going on musically. 
Plinius vs. Theta Citadel?
OH Yea, I heard about those. I better get in to my dealer and have a look. They must have been released just recently. Thanks for the update. 
Theta vs Ayre
Your kidding right? You would deny that system a DaViD II Transport. Not in this life time :~) 
Plinius vs. Theta Citadel?
I’ve owned a lot of Theta gear but am not familiar with the Citadel. What is it? 
Seeking advice re: complex power conditioning
I think CFB is right this time; you’re going to beat your power into the ground with that much conditioning. Imagine putting three different kinds of conditioner on your hair every time you took a shower. This is sure to leave your music lifeless ... 
CAT Pre seeking Opinion
I have a cat (pause to reflect). I'll ask her what she thinks and get back with you. Definitely Friday :^)