

Responses from glen

If your System can Speak
Albert, I'm not familiar with SLOG? However I would like to see your pics. Would you be so kind as to provide a link? Thanks 
Need replacement for garden hose Audio Advisor
The down side to this cable is an extra RCA cap will run you $25.00 a piece. The up side is you could probably cable a small system including the speakers with one kit. If this stuff really works and I think we can assume it does based on the revi... 
dedicated curcuit question????
There is no issue with using either side of your panel or should I say both sides. As long as you bring in a separate neutral (white wire) with each hot. DO NOT BALANCE TWO HOTS ON ONE NEUTRAL IF BOTH HOTS ARE CONNECTED TO THE SAME BUSS IN YOUR PA... 
dedicated curcuit question????
I guess the most obvious scenario would be a lead wire coming lose in one of your components and touching the casing or anything bonded to the casing. The odds of this happening are probably pretty slim, but if it happened while your ground was li... 
Need replacement for garden hose Audio Advisor
Dekay,Has there been any attempt to build a balanced cable with this stuff? I tried to click on your pic of the digital loopy cable but the link was not valid. 
If your System can Speak
Funny stuff! How about - I'm finally warmed up and your sorry butt is falling asleep!My H/T system would say. Hello Hello you bought me. I'm right here. Turn me on; use me. I'm bored.Admittedly I've been listening to a lot of music lately 
Need replacement for garden hose Audio Advisor
Don't Listen to Dekay!!! If you do a search on "Sakura" YOU'LL BE SORRY!!! I did, and I haven't been the same since. That *Redkiwi* thread will take you about a month to read :^)But seriously, I'm very interested in trying these cables. I have red... 
Wiring my house for sound
Dweller, If you put it that way, yea I guess you could :^) Why didn't I think of that :~( 
dedicated curcuit question????
Stehno, thatÂ’s some pretty good information though I still do not agree with lifting the ground. I guess I've been hit to many times by every type of electricity known to mankind.If you insist on cleaning up the ground how about dedicated grounds?... 
Wiring my house for sound
Dweller that is some interesting advise. Sounds like a good way for an Electrician to lose his license. There is a very basic code rule that has to do with disconnecting an appliance (that includes amps) The cord/cordcap is in fact the servicing d... 
MIT Z Center vs PS Audio Ultimate Outlet?
I have a Z-center and like it a lot. However after adding six dedicated circuits to my gear, I can no longer here the sonic benefits when A/B comparing. It is currently being offered at auction. 
What's 10 Volts between friends?
John,IMHO If you run dedicated neutrals (One per hot) this will eliminate any noise that could bleed over from the other bus in the panel. I would also much rather use an isolated ground all the way back to the main service rather than lifting the... 
What's 10 Volts between friends?
Amen to that brother. I still insist that dedicated power was my best tweak to date. 
Good upgrade amp for my Thiel 3.6s
I own a pair of 3.6 Thiels. I use a Classe CA-301 to drive them effortlessly. The amp gives me plenty of slam and is very musical. I definitely recommend three hundred watts minimum no matter what you decide. Try NBS or MIT Reference cabling too. 
Thoughts on using two Classe CA 300's
People like Robert Harley recommend against straping a stereo amp into mono when feeding a 4-ohm speaker. Your best bet would be mono-blocks. I own a Classe CA-301 and it seems to me like that should be plenty of power but you never know :^)Oh and...