

Responses from glen

Recommendations for a Digital interconnect.
I've tried quite a few digital cables the last couple of years. I found the Kimber *Orchid* to be very compatible with my Theta DaViD and Classe Dac-1. I too am running ARC tube gear down the line. 
Am I assuming too Much?
KILL THE NON BELIEVER!!!!!Sorry that just slipped out :^) 
Best preamp for Audio Research VT100mkI
I use the LS-15 with mine. The sound is very rich and smooth. The LS-15 sells for around $1200.00 in the used market. Good luck! 
What's a great univ/prog. remote for high end ?
I've been using the Marantz RC 5000i touch screen for about six months now. Basically it's the same as a pronto. I like the fact that it runs my whole system, TV and is pretty easy to set up. They run about $500.00 new, but can be had for half off... 
What is the most powerful SET tube amplifier?
Dweller, I hope that's a mono-block because I'm ordering two :^) 
So how many people are using subwoofers
I recommend changing the cabling while your at it. I use Mit Reference in my system. I noticed more bass from the minute I upgraded. When you use MIT It is recommended through out the whole system. IMO their quality cables don't even start until y... 
Would I be a happy boy with an ARC CA-50?
Viggen, Don't you know "Nothing exceeds like excess". You'll be upgrading before you know it!!! I went with the Martin Logan Accents. Tubes with Electrostats rule! You’re not the first person to say that's a little excessive for a secondary system... 
Would I be a happy boy with an ARC CA-50?
Welcome to the world of ARC. I recently re-vamped my bedroom system. Swaping out some Classe solid-state stuff for an ARC LS-15/VT-100 Combo. This stuff sounds great. Last night I added some Electrostatic speakers, now that was the icing on the ca... 
Caribbean Music
Try the sound track to *The Little Mermaid*. 
Musical Fidelity A3cr Owners--Help
I wouldn't worry if your tone deaf in your right ear. Otherwise be afraid, be very afraid :^) 
amp dies in middle of playing
Did you buy your pre-amp from the dude in Spinal Tap? I know all his gear went to eleven. Now that's a MOD :^) 
Who would like to see a "Tube" section
I think the idea is totally tubular dude :^) 
15k blues
I usually do all my 15K and above transactions COD :^) 
If your System can Speak
Thanks Albert, I checked out the web site and your old system. That sure was a nice looking room. I bet the new on is going to be the s##@%$##&**t. can’t wait to see the pictures.The thing that impressed me the most was your grounding system.... 
Acoustic Guitar CD Recording/track to test Spkrs?
I agree first hand with Laurence Juber *Collection* and Don Ross *Huron Street* though this one is a bit technical.I'd also like to add Alex DeGrassi *The Water Garden* & *Bolivian Blues Bar* to the list of excellent Acoustic guitar CD's.