Responses from ghdprentice
Speaker styles / sound These are going to be vastly different sounding speakers. If I understand you correctly these are $12K speakers. A choice like this requires careful matching of electronic with the speakers and with your tastes in kinds of music and the character ... | |
Purchasing from High-End-Turntables customs fees I agree, I found two reviews labeling it a scam. I would never order a high end product like this from over seas. Particularly a turntable. I bought my Linn... Scottish from my local dealer. He set it up and will come over and take it back and mak... | |
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig? OP, really sorry to hear that health issues would cause such a sacrifice, but of course health must come first. Get well soon. | |
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig? As far as selling my collection, it will be sold as a collection, not pieced out... or willed to a relative or friend. | |
Is It Time To Sell My Vinyl Rig? I am now retired and have a collection of 2,000 albums. I upgraded all of my equipment. At this point my analog end cost $31K and my digital end cost $41K... I have to admit the analog side sounds a little better than the digital side. I will prob... | |
Disappointment with Pass Labs - I'm looking for something else After reading my rambling post. I think my recommendation would be to get a set of high-end speakers... then assess your system sound. Put some serious effort into finding speakers to fit your musical taste. What music do you like? If it is punch ... | |
Disappointment with Pass Labs - I'm looking for something else I am a long time Pass fan. I bought a Threshold 250 watt amp in ~ 1980 A T2 preamp shortly thereafter, then a Pass x350 for 15 years. He does outstanding amp design and good preamps (not to my taste now). But from what you are saying about your ta... | |
Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ? If you are over 60 or 65 years old maybe. Otherwise no. I had a Threshold T250? That I bought when I first started working. Best thing an the market at the time. I sold it 10 years ago for a Pass 350... Hugh improvement. If you can get twenty year... | |
Anyone heard the new Magico S3 I have heard the S5's in a room about you size, and from that I deduce they should be perfect for you. They are very powerful, fast and accurate. Unless you listen to music at ear splitting volumes... G | |
Review: Shunyata Hydra 2 AC filter The impulse to evaluate upon receiving a new piece of equipment is really strong, but some how irresistible. It is really hard to hear subtile differences with the anxiety of a new purchase. Sure would like to read a review now. After a couple yea... |