
Responses from ghdprentice

Preamps opinion
What you are experiencing to me sounds like a equipment problem. I would consult with an electronic repair facility.  
Adjusting the sonic fingerprint of a system.
@steakster +1Manipulation of the signal in the digital realm is still usually the more problematic. The digital volume control is for use without a preamp. Which seldom sounds better... equipment matching is very difficult. Very few benefit from it.  
SACD Transport Recommendations
I’m not sure of your associated equipment. But streaming has advanced to the point that investing that kind of money you can get you a substantial streamer that could probably provide equal or better quality sound.. but for less than the price of ... 
Jeff Rowland Aeris vs Ayre QX-5 Twenty
Kind of looking like there are more Ayre owners out there. I love the look of the Rowland... and it has been a while... but there equipment in the past has been really outstanding.  
Preamps opinion
That should not be. These pieces are std audio. No insult here.  Are you using single ended input? there any chance your your DAC is plugged into the Home Theater max level inputs, instead of the ones marked analog? 
Threshold NS10 Preamp Repair
I think Pass might repair it. I traded my Threshold and I think my audio guy sent it to Pass and they checked the specs and maybe replaced some of the caps. That is my memory... it’s not great.... but works sometimes. 
Preamps opinion
What is your signal source? This has never happened to me. Sounds like an insufficient input signal.  
Wilson Audio Specialties Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker!! only $300,000.oo
@perkri”300k is a heck of a lot of money for a component. It could be argued that those very few who have the means to buy these ultra high end products are taking the manufacturers R&D to new levels as they realize these products. There is al... 
Initial disappointment with 1st set of “expensive’ IC’s...
They are like all interconnects, they need a hundred hours or more to get broken in. Fuzzy or flabby bass is typical before breakin... although unfortunately typically they get a bit softer in the upper frequencies during breakin.I used Cardas whe... 
Cables, just as important as a hi end component?
@douglas_schroeder I agree with you. You can have a good sounding system without attention to the details like cables or doing it poorly.... but all great sounding systems are created by tremendous attention to details and cables and interconnects... 
Cables, just as important as a hi end component?
OP, Sounds like spending $2 -3K is likely to benefit you. I recommend you rent, or borrow and verify they are worth it to you. If not, don’t waste the money until your system gets good enough for you to hear the benefit. Interconnect and cables sh... 
streaming devices, which would you buy?
I think this is a good time to jump into streaming. I jumped in on my headphone system 15 years ago and in and out on my main system, until the last couple years when it has equaled my analog side. .I have done laptops / DAC. But a real streamer i... 
Preamps opinion
Unless you have a tremendous interest in emphases on detail at all cost, or excessive heavy bass (only like rock)... then the best Audio Research Preamp you can find. Ref 5 or 5SE... if you can. I have owned Audio Research preamps and prized their... 
Wilson Audio Specialties Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker!! only $300,000.oo
@douglas_schroeder Exactly. 
Wilson Audio Specialties Chronosonic XVX loudspeaker!! only $300,000.oo
I would think if you were buying these speakers you would just purchase whatever amplification makes them sound good... what, we are worried the owner can only afford a Rotel or NAD.