
Responses from ghdprentice

Atma-Sphere Class D… Amazing
@pstores  You are correct and folks that have pursued the best sound possible for decades… while may have somewhat different tastes will completely agree with you. If @kuribo likes tinny dead sound, like he said… it’s up to him. But, for folks wi... 
Bookshelf vs diffuser panel. Who wins?
@fleschler    Sorry to hear your story. Love to see your systems and venue.   You may have heard me talk about my room. I just really lucked out with incredible acoustics. Large highly asymmetric room.   
Recommendations for the best headphones with equalization after severe acoustic injury
Wow. Really sorry to hear about your loss. I have had bike tires blow up often. They are really loud. How does your system now sound unpleasant?  
Aurender N200
OP,   I would purchase as little storage as possible. As soon as I got my streamers… transferred some of my files to my Aurenders and then haven’t used them since. Streaming sounds the same or better through Qobuz.    I think I had to reboot my... 
Ideal power cord lengths?
OP +1 I have always actively not wanted to hear a difference in accessories. I did not want to add more layers of difficulty to the pursuit. But virtually anything I have done… wires and others including springs and other vibration control stuff... 
Power cords or power conditioner
OP,   Congratulations on your purchase. Once you have listened to your system with your conditioner for a couple weeks… then take it out. This typically really demonstrates what it has been doing. It is important to compare equipment critically... 
mono block
What does the rest of your system and venue look like? This would be most helpful. This is really a system question. There is a place to put your system photo and components. So you only need do it once.    From what you say… with such very effi... 
What is the best tonearm for a SOTA Nova turntable?
@gyneguy225    +1  
Ideal power cord lengths?
Electrical insulators (like from power poles) are available on eBay from $15 to $35. I think they look great… and I have had mine for 30 years.   
A Streamer or Dedicated DAC With McIntosh MX110Z???
OP,   Great story. My partner (36 years) gives me grief about my audio purchases… but, in weak moments admits I deserve them. She knows how hard I have worked an how much I have given her (thank god she does not like jewelry).    
Bookshelf vs diffuser panel. Who wins?
I love books / bookshelves and we have nine floor to ceiling bookshelves in our house… after getting ride of half our books. Most newer stuff is accumulating on iPads now. Nothing more comforting than to be surrounded by knowledge. My partner and ... 
My take on subjective vs. objective
@asctim    +1 Or, your ears are incredibly sensitive receptors and they can discern nuances in sound. I’m just guessing you haven’t found experiences to contradict this theory either.   
Power cable
This is an educated guess. I would recommend  borrowing an Audio Quest Thunder high current / variable. It is more expensive than I would normally recommend. But, I have been so surprised at the performance of the Storm class Audio Quest power cor... 
What is the “World’s Best Cartridge”?
@atmasphere    It is fun putting on an LP. Mine have almost no surface noice. I have storage space on my streamers. I use it for about an hour a year. Wifi is only likely to get more reliable.    I am pretty sure the single file on the cloud s... 
My take on subjective vs. objective
I’d like to point out that science starts with observation. You observe phenomena, then come up with theories to explain the phenomenon, and test them to verify they can predict the results you observe.    I quickly learned that the few measured ...