
Responses from ghdprentice

The character of analog and digital
Ok. Just for fun. I compared the vinyl copy of the remastered audiophile Revolver, with the streamed exact same streamed version… 16/44mhz, the vinyl wins by a nose. But the new 2022 version 24/96 bests both… not by a huge amount, but noticeably.... 
Transparent interconnect Cable, Super versus ultra
Yes. As in all of audio, it depends on your equipment. Ultra is a significant improvement in my system over Super. I have done two major system upgrades over the last 12 years. I got rid of the components causing excessive high frequency hash and... 
The character of analog and digital
Interesting comment. I want to agree. But as I review my experience… I don’t know.   My analog and digital (CD, file playing, and streaming) sound the same (not by accident). So, typically I stream, and sometimes play albums. I have 2,000 vinyl ... 
Little Giant NOS DAC mini review
OP, Just as an encouraging comment about sound quality. As one rises up the ladder in digital, or analog for that mater, audio reproduction the sound quality improves enormously. To the point it was inconceivable only ten and twenty years ago. Fo... 
Butcherblock Acoustics "feet" effecting sound and isolation
@pinthrift  Good reference to the Cardas video. It is great when someone simply demonstrates an aspect of audio… few words needed. The point is irrefutable.   Also, the follow on video describing the Cardas philosophy and progressive change in ... 
Help fine-tune my speaker search
Congratulations, tell us what you think after listening a while.  
To preamp or not to preamp. That is the question.
One way of looking at this, since it is your second system is that you have an opportunity to do something fun, as opposed to good enough. Ever fascinated with the idea of a real warm and romantic sound? From your other post… this sounds like it ... 
Little Giant NOS DAC mini review
Thank you for your comments on the Little Giant. Good to hear you are happy with it.  
A question about headphones
I have been using headphone systems for fifty years (the top of my head hurts from remembering the Koss headphones… ouch). I got really interested in high end headphone systems about twenty years ago. You can see my current headphone system under ... 
Need 25 foot interconnects
@ebm    +1  
Static attack! Time to get the humidifiers going
@mijostyn   You are very pretty. Well your system sure is. 🥰 @mikelavigne  If either one of you guys are in the Portland OR area, give me a holler.   
Magico Mini II or Magico Q1?
Your current Magico S5’s appear to be in a show room…? Could we hear more about your situation and intent?  
Pass Then vs. Pass Now
FYI. I used to own a Pass preamp and amp… and found the Audio Research preamp and Pass amp to be the preferable combination. The ARC has a better midrange bloom… more natural and fleshed out. It really is ARC’s thing… preamps.   
When someone tells you it's a $40,000 amp, does it sound better?
I think most folks use dollar value in posts as a proxy for sound quality. I don’t think anyone assumes any $40K amp… but one well researched and which appeals to your sonic values as opposed to other less expensive amps also that play to your val... 
Aurender N20
OP,   Congratulations. Amazing isn’t it? I played around with alternatives for a long time balking at the idea of spending a fortune on a box with no more than a PC in it… until I tried one… and quickly moved up to an Aurender W20SE… with an N1...