
Responses from ghdprentice

Threshold Stasis S/150
The Threshold Stasis amps were among the first high current designed amps available… ~1980. I owned a Threshold s500 for nearly two decades. When I replaced it with a Pass x350 the Threshold sounded completely anemic and tinny without a real midra... 
Tubes or Solid State?
In general tubes tend to be warmer than solid state. In high end products they are not warm but just more realistic.   In your situation. First, if you want to make sure your new purchase delights you, and does not just trade off one set of weak... 
Will a Chord Hugo 2 make a music streamer addition obsolete?
OP,   Unfortunately the DAC will not make up for a bad streamer… like a PC.   My rule of thumb is that you want to just as carefully chose and invest about the same amount in a streamer as DAC. My streamer is actually about 20% more than my DA... 
Outlets and Wire Gauge? - Please help!
I have never had problems like this with electricians other than they think I am crazy. I just installed 10 gauge Romex and use 15 amp hospitals grade or audiophile outlets either 15 amp like AudioQuest or Cardas. Typically most home subwoofers an... 
Will increasing speaker cable AWG make a difference in sound quality?
+1 @ozzy Given the same material, yes, most likely. I did some comparisons long ago using power cords cut to be speaker cables.   Are you going to hear it? It depends, how resolving is your system? How experienced are you in listening? Now i... 
Warming up equipment
+1 @cleeds   The Pass x series are in standby mode at all times… warming the circuits slightly at all times (unless unplugged or turned off with the switch in the back). I don’t remember much of a difference in my Pass x350… which I had for over... 
What power amp for Spectral DMC 12?
I would recommend a Spectral amp. I have auditioned Spectral more than once with Maggie’s… although 20.x. Great match. I have come very close to buying.  
What can beat Wilson XVX for less money?
OP, I am confused. Is there a point to this post? Are you in the market for a set of speakers?    “Beat Wilson…” This is an ambiguous question. I have heard some incredible Wilson, Magico, and other well known expensive speakers. I can appreciate... 
Duelund speaker cable
Thanks for sharing your efforts. Yep, that is how one learns about sound quality… components, wires… etc. it is the sum of it all.  
What is your experience with amp power?
@arcticdeth    I have read many summaries that said that too little power is the bane of audio systems a can fry speakers. I have tended to use amps above the max recommended for the speakers I owned… admittedly not cranking them to ultra high l... 
Please help with setting up a streaming system
OP,   Excellent. Happy to hear… and it only gets better from where you are!  
Ripping CD's to hard drive
Just a comment to put this ripping thing in perspective.   I had 2,000 CDs. I could have spent… hundreds of hours converting them to computer files. Or, I could pay $12.99 / month to get access to the exact same files (sometimes the files are of... 
transport/dac vs integrated player
OP,   It is most effective to remove noise at the source. Trying to remove it later is never fully effective and can cause additional artifacts.   My streamer uses battery power for audio circuits, is massively heavy to prevent mechanical vibra... 
transport/dac vs integrated player
There is an advantage to using internal storage on a streamer vs external storage attached to a PC. You want a PC no where in the loop or near your audio system.   Most streamers still have internal storage for any ripped CDs or files you have p... 
Comparing Phono Pre-Amps
I wouldn’t recommend splitters. They may introduce more uncertainty into the equation.    I want to reinforce the idea of long comparisons. A few quick swaps will tell you if there are any huge tonal differences or detail differences. But long… ...