
Responses from ghdprentice

Which ARC ref linestage to try: Ref3, Ref5, Ref5SE? HATE forward sounding systems
I have owned ARC Reference 5SE for about 5 years and a Reference 6SE for the last two. Nether of these could be remotely called forward. They are detailed and natural… drawing the listener in.  But given what you are looking for, I would stick wit... 
Why Are We Breaking Our Brains?
@waytoomuchstuff    Sounds like the same kind of sensory differentiation.  
going from tube preamp to solid state
I have owned a dozen preamps over the last fifty years. My objective was always to improve the sound of my system with the next purchase.   I suspect primarily because of cost my first preamps were solid state… but for the last twenty years or so... 
Why does it take so long to get stuff?
There was a huge surge in audio purchases because of the pandemic. Most manufacturers got behind. This presented a real challenge for small local retailers, because they don’t have the capital to creat large orders to have stuff sitting in stock, ... 
Power cord - 5 ft vs 10 ft ?
@tablejockey    😂  
Is Imaging Worth Chasing?
First. Primary emphasis on specifications disappeared because, while not meaningless, they are a distraction and are frequently deceptive. The only reliable way to characterize high end audio equipment is descriptions of sound characteristics. Im... 
Cumulative Effect of cables question
Well, power cords and interconnects tend not to add something that is not there before… unless they are really cheap and allow RFI or other noise in. In general, the better they are, the better they get out of the way.    in general, you want com... 
Why Are We Breaking Our Brains?
@mceljo … horse sweat, not cat urine… my god man. What were you thinking? No one would drink wine that smelled like cat urine. 😊 But like all nuanced things… very small nuances of many flavors make up good wine. Fortunately I have not picked up u... 
Looking for advise with selecting next integrated amp
Typically tone controls have a very negative impact on sound quality. That was the reality forty years ago and has been reinforced by my recent auditions. If all other things are equal tone controls significantly degrade the sound. In my auditioni... 
One of the great things about Vinyl
@voodoolounge …”Are both still exactly the same after rejuvenating your ears?” They sound exactly the same. Before and after the procedure. FYI, the wax issue began and ended in about a month.   
Why do we stop listening to new music as we get older?
OP, …”I gave it some thought and started wondering what defines "new music" in the context of this conversation?”. For me, music I never heard before.  I started in the 60’s and 70’s with rock… then discovered Jazz, (stopped listening to rock) th... 
Power cord - 5 ft vs 10 ft ?
If you are using a high end power cord, then 2 meters is the preferred length.   I had never considered length until recently. I always thought short to avoid clutter. My audio guy had told me 2. Meter was optimal. I happened to have a one meter... 
Phono Preamp Settings
Purring. Now that could be a ground loop.   😊  
Novice needs opinions for new system
I recommend stopping. Time to think and carefully craft a new direction.   The way to great sounding systems for most of us is slow deliberate moves… carefully thought out.   You selling great equipment and buying budget stuff is not going to g... 
Why do we stop listening to new music as we get older?
I am constantly finding new music. I occasionally play an album from my collection.    The amount of new music has escalated exponentially since my streaming / digital side sounds as good as my vinyl.