

Responses from georgehifi

Schiit - shipments stopped?
Makes you think, if Covid has hit Schiit????Cheers George 
Class D
Stop trying to divert that you were very anti GaN, and now pro just because it will be "the format" and suit your sales/profit modeling. One thing you "may" not have factored, is going to be the ones at less than 1/2 the cost of yours, and better ... 
lightening fast CD- I can move a needle on a turntable almost quicker than the laser
why are transports so slow? Mechanical linear motion gear driven.Top https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB15pGSSFXXXXc9XpXXq6xXFXXXm/Replacement-For-PHILIPS-CD-723-CD-DVD-Playe...Bottom https://www.petervis.com/CD_and_DVD_Players/cd-player-laser-assembly... 
Too much gain in preamp
thejeenyus54 OP Just read this from Nelson Pass very carefully and let it sink in, he can’t make money from saying it, in fact it would hurt his preamp sales. Then go and buy a $49 Schiit Sys passive preamp, about 100 x less than your  Edge S-1 p... 
Ayre DX-7 CD / DVD - Need laser head replaced - anyone know who I can pay to help me?
Should I call Ayre to confirm or if you think this is it I will buy it. Such a good idea to replace the whole thing. I’m psyched! No, pop the top on it and have a look to see if it’s the same. If your not sure take pic of it and post it here usin... 
Class D
It you that continues to shill and have no idea! 
An old Forte' model 3 made new
Will this drive a pair of Thiel 3.6 If your asking about the Forte’ model 3?I say yes fine, as they are much just a resistive load, and above 2ohm. The -30’ phase angle at 70hz isn’t combined with a low impedance at that frequency, so it’s not too... 
Class D
https://www.stereophile.com/images/1220PS1200fig03.jpg Really! Wake up and smell the roses!!! and stop your shilling!For one it was done at very low power, would be much worse at normal powerYet even at very low power anyone can see it’s distorti... 
Ayre DX-7 CD / DVD - Need laser head replaced - anyone know who I can pay to help me?
fsmithjack OP Much easier to replace the whole transport/laser than just the laser. 4 screws, a push on power plug and push on ribbon connector.I’m fairly sure it uses the old DSL-710A laser/mech complete, which are cheap to buy new still under $1... 
Class D
Oh dear! 
Class D
Oh dear, https://youtu.be/YTY26k0CA0I?t=5 
Class D
Once the switching noise is removed when very low power testing using the "Audio Precision’s auxiliary AUX-0025 passive low-pass filter, which eliminates noise above 200kHz that might otherwise overload the SYS2722’s input circuitry."You can get e... 
Class D
You you don’t even understand what you asked, they utilized one graph instead of two just to confuse the likes of you  
Class D
Common jonesy really!!The "ohm" is for the blue trace showing output impedance of the amp v frequencyThe red is just phase degrees v frequencyOn very good "phase correct" speaker/drivers that you paid big for!! and especially ESL, you would hear u... 
Class D
Of course class D is good +1 for "good" NO they are not a Pass Labs amp +1 on that too, and other amps I’ve mentioned as well I love them doing bass duty..Nice and cool running +1 here too, so long as the load isn’t too severe as they will cur...