
Responses from georgehifi

Which digital input to use? Technics SU-R1000 or Technics SL-G700
stephencowslip Just to ad to my last post.From the Technics SU-R1000 website. George 
Which digital input to use? Technics SU-R1000 or Technics SL-G700
I have the SU-R1000, but I wasn't super impressed with it's DAC. Probably just token Delta Sigma dac being an AKM AK5572, I think many sound cards use them. It's more about the amp maybe with a hi-end dac feeding it. How does it sound btw??Chee... 
I cannot be definitive. OTOH, if JRiver can decode HDCD in software, I see no reason to reject the idea that others cannot also do it in firmware. Can you suggest a performance test to determine whether there is decoding? Maybe burn two discs, o... 
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
Since the output transformers allow for 2 4 or 8 ohm why not a single/universal connect to speakers that can handle all 3?.?.? Has to do with "output impedance" of said transformer tap. (damping factor) into the speakers impedance to control the ... 
Okay.....soooo I am in the camp of not bypassing signal capacitors. At least in my application, they caused issues in both positions.Sound got smeared in the mids, and the timbre change in the tweeter position came with a similar smudging of soun... 
Amp Preamp Advice
bcool57 OP Nice amps (John Curl design) both the Halo A23 and the A21 they only need 1v in!! for them to give their max wattage output. And most sources today give more than 2v output some even 4v and 6v!!!So you need a preamp with next to NO... 
Are Pre-Amps necessary?
The problem is that a passive volume control isn't a bit of wire. If it were, it would not have a resistance value. And to all, active preamps have volume controls as well, and most times not as good quality as the better passives pre's usually... 
The smoothest amp you've heard?
Smoothest most detailed amp into a pair of Quad 57’s with Kelly Decca Ribbons tweeters from 12khz up, for me would have been a Nelson Pass Pure Class-A 20w project amp I made called the A20, back in the 80’s 
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
lets say we agree to disagree, on this oneCheers George 
HDMI ARC or Optical out ?
 If you go Optical, then go glass. Yes the best glass with ATT&T bnc type connections (aka Wadia and Esoteric used with their top units) with a dab of  very $$$$$  "Indexing Fluid" on each end so there's no air gap.Cheers George 
Should I buy a VTL Siegfried mk1 basically new 700 hrs?
hiendmmoe Should I buy a VTL Siegfried mk1 basically new 700 hrs? Nice amp when power was affordable, and you live where it’s cold.Today that thing will cost a fortune to run, and a fortune to keep your house cool. And a fortune to service and re... 
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
you want to drive a lower impedance speaker than the amp is designed for.Not for me, sorry Abraxalito, you get the right amp, not put a band-aid on it Another good reason is that you have a much higher power amp than you need -Not into speakers E... 
Apology, I have been calling the company that produced the hdcd PMD100 and PMD200 chips PMD (Pacific Microsonic Devices) where in actual fact it's PMI (Pacific Microsonic Industries), sorry guys.Also I forgot that Microsoft bought PMI way back in ... 
Why the hate for mcintosh amps?
Why the hate for mcintosh amps? MC275 tube amps were great amps.But there is no good reason to put an output transformer on a "good" solid state amplifier, it can only make it’s performance worse. It’s a bit like using auto-formers on otl tube amp... 
Yes an Oppo will stream the HDCD info to another dac that has a PMD100 or PMD200 hdcd chip in it and you will here hdcd. But it’s own dac looking at this Oppo 105 will not as there in not PMD chips in it is from other fo...