
Responses from georgehifi

Preamp Opinion
wolf_garciaSchiit Freya +...incomparable features, 4 tubes that can be bypassed if you feel the need (solving the "should I get tubes?" question), plenty of balanced and single ended ins and outs, amazingly quiet operation...great sound, relativel... 
Class A amps
Your the one that started personal mud slinging.Yet again "product protection mode", as with preamps and the imaginary Class-D that’s yet to materialize. 
Class A amps
This statement is false. This statement is rubbish No it’s the oppositeTake it up with Nelson Pass. The Messiah of solid state class-A amplification (not you) And why his top of the line amps are low power Class-A!! and always have been. As he sa... 
Class A amps
Very good demo (2nd half ) even via youtube, this poster says it all"Class AB sounds like a request but class A sounds like a command"Cheers George 
RCA vs XLR and Balanced vs Unbalanced
Many amps and preamps just have opamps to "pseudo" give balanced inputs and outputs, when their actual circuit topology is single ended, and then your far better off using the rca input and outputs as you then bypass the "opamps". And if your usin... 
Class A amps
There are two types of solid state class-AComplimentary push/pull solid state amps that can be class-a/b or class-a if biased to the max so neither of the push pull transistor "ever" switch off and give crossover distortion. If they did you’d have... 
The return of the DIYer
1: There’s diy’ers with good electronic engineering knowledge2: Then there’s diy’er’s that listen to to them and what they have to offer and do it.3: Then there’s diy’ers that are shillers for the "snake oil companies" that never seem to post them... 
Class A amps
Class A ampsI’ve read a few articles on class A amps but still don’t have a good understanding of how it affects sound quality.One simple thing, zero cross over distortion, changing from class-a to class-b .A great designed class-A solid state can... 
That Other Audiophile Website
Just post back on the same one thread as I’m doing to you now, and ask the mods to remove the others.I've asked the mods for you to remove the othersCheers George 
Preamp Opinion
As I said on your other preamp thread. Halo A23 and the A21 they only need 1v in!! for them to give their max wattage output. And most sources today give more than 2v output some even 4v and 6v!!!So you need a preamp with next to NO gain, or go di... 
They were around $900 when sold new (limited numbers) but the Pass First Watt B4 active xover would be way better than the Marchand, discrete solid state, steeper slopes and very versatile, just have to wait for one to come up used.https://www.fir... 
That Other Audiophile Website
This OP has a screw loose, 3 x threads all with the same title😵 
Frequency response while streaming stops at 15kHz- did I miss something in the fine print?
The only thing I find related to frequency response is a low pass filter which is set at 30 kHz Depends what order it is and how many db down at 30k it already is.Cheers George 
Frequency response while streaming stops at 15kHz- did I miss something in the fine print?
Played back from my PC and the response seemed to stop at 15 to 16KHz. I suspect the reason was not my test tones or my system, but a limitation of the iPhone microphone. I suspect it more that they save 20% of streaming/download space by not l... 
Frequency response while streaming stops at 15kHz- did I miss something in the fine print?
Allan Silverman one of the recording industries best. George