

Responses from geoffkait

Does a new cd transport require break-in time?
Voodoo cults? I guess that would explain all the chicken bones. 🐔 
Need recommendations for inexpensive power cord
Cannot beat with a stick. Analysis Plus Power Oval. Hollow oval braided copper conductor, shielded and with Wattgate connectors. 5 feet long. Less than $100 on the Internet. Problem solved! 
Do classical CDs made from early analog tapes sound better on your system than new CDs?
I don't want to freak anybody out but another variable is absolute polarity, for which there is no (repeat no) standard in the industry. CDs that are in reverse polarity often sound bland, unfocused and bass shy. Ironically, many audiophile record... 
What makes tape sound better than vinyl ?
I find cassettes generally sound very musical, rich and natural. By comparison CD generally sound thin and bland and "uninteresting." Oddly, perhaps, I find cassettes that are digitally remastered sound quite good - very analog and detailed with b... 
Does a new cd transport require break-in time?
I completely agree. I’ve been saying exactly the same thing for years. Blind tests are the threat made by naysayers in an attempt to win an argument over some controversial audiophile concept, device it tweak. "Controlled blind test will demonstra... 
Better Sound For Free!
That’s what I’d like to know about it. 😀 For the record, for a while I used a very powerful adjustable white strobe light on CDs. Rather effective if I don’t say so myself. In fact, now that I think about it, I sell a relatively low power multi-co... 
Do classical CDs made from early analog tapes sound better on your system than new CDs?
DDD recordings almost always sound overly clean but threadbare and bland, lacking musical color, bloodless. AAD and ADD almost always sound more like vinyl, especially when the recordings are prior to circa 1970, you know, when the industry moved ... 
Opening a can of worms
Hush your mouth! The cable debate has been going on since around 1980. Maybe longer. And it’s not about to stop now. It has legs, Baby! Witness all the cable threads. The debate whether no cables at all is better than any cables is just a subset o... 
Opening a can of worms
dynaquest4 wrote,"A smart guy once said: "When confronted with the truth, believers do not want to hear about it. They want to remain in the magical world of fantasy where they think they can hear improvements in their wire...."An even smarter guy... 
Opening a can of worms
kosst_amojan@lalitk Are you blind or just stupid? Here’s exactly what I posted just 2 hours ago..."Just so we’re clear, cables do sound very, very slightly different, they do NOT burn in, and you CAN measure them. Anyone saying different is just l... 
Let's talk power cords
RE UK cable dealer fraud case. Turns out it was just the usual audiophile goat rope in which the very well known audio dealer Russ Andrews was accused by some magazine of "hyping" some audiophile cables that were claimed to arrest RFI/EMI. As far ... 
PADIS vs Furutech fuses
Innocent question: if break in of cables is related to the dielectric materia, not the metal conductor, then why is break in for fuses necessary? You know, since there is no dielectric. Am I missing something?  
Opening a can of worms
Costello: Well, all I'm trying to find out is what's the guy's name on first base?Abbott: Oh, no, no. What is on second base.Costello: I'm not asking you who's on second.Abbott: Who's on first! 
Better Sound For Free!
If you want to go live in a cave somewhere be my guest. Do you have any idea how much water is wasted every hour? Write your congressman, mayor, whatever. 
Better Sound For Free!
willemjUnplugged electronics are among the major causes of domestic fires. >>>>Seems rather unlikely. Have any evidence?willemjLeaving them on also wastes precious energy.>>>>>The user is paying for the energy. And the u...