

Responses from geoffkait

Room acoustics
ronniemoYes, Room acoustics play an invaluable role in listening pleasure. I bought a pair of used speakers listening to them in a acoustically professionally treated room, took them home and wasn’t even close. They are good speakers but not as go... 
What makes tape sound better than vinyl ?
french_fries - eggs ackley!! It isn’t really a technical argument in my opinion. If it was a technical argument the CD would always win. That’s what’s so frustrating!! 😛 It’s what you like to listen to. Music soothes the savage breast. By and larg... 
Soundstage and explosive dynamics?
Actually, Tool’s recorded works are relatively uncompressed dynamic range wise, see link below for the list of Tool recordings including reissues and their relative dynamic ranges, from the Official Dynamic Range Database. Green is good, red is ba... 
New York HiFi Show: Tubes and Turntables
willemj, OK, you’ve convinced me! The biggest market must be the one with the best sound. Or at least the one with sound just as good as high end sound. Why else would it be so popular? I did not realize there were so many connoisseurs of good sou... 
What makes tape sound better than vinyl ?
raymondaGeoffkait,Compression is added to get "punch". As a recording engineer I learned this from others and use it myself. If your kick sounds loose and flabby, add compression. It will give it punch. If the bass is a bit defused and lost in the... 
What makes tape sound better than vinyl ?
That Direct to Disk thing really caught on, eh? The industry had a different idea in mind. Overly aggressive dynamic range compression. 😬 
What makes tape sound better than vinyl ?
It might be one of the big ironies of audio that tapes degrade, even though I suspect when properly cared for it’s probably not a huge problem, and that’s why digital came along. Another big irony is that solid state replaced tube electronics due ... 
What makes tape sound better than vinyl ?
stringreenIts impossible to get audiophile sound from a car system.>>>Let’s get real. It’s impossible to get audiophile sound from many HOME SYSTEMS. More to the point, it’s possible to get very good sound from car systems. WITHOUT much e... 
What makes tape sound better than vinyl ?
Huh? You were the one generalizing and preaching about how tape was used for compression. Which in itself is pretty dumb since almost all great recordings in History were recorded on, you guessed it, tape. I was just responding to the ignorant thi... 
Let's talk power cords
willemjI am afraid science is not a democracy.Wrong again, Professor. Science is the very definition of a democracy. That’s what the whole peer review process is all about. It’s essentially a voting process. This why it takes so long for new ideas... 
What makes tape sound better than vinyl ?
willemjGeoff, your experiences show our point.Huh? I don't think so. How so, Professor? 
What makes tape sound better than vinyl ?
Rather than calling names, shadorne, which is a sure sign of failure to win the debate, I suggest you go back and re-read what I wrote. You obviously didn’t get it the first time around. I’m not talking about transferring vinyl to cassette or any ... 
Let's talk power cords
Let's see a show of hand. Of those who don't believe - or aren't sure if - power cords are important how many believe that direction is not important for power cords as well as interconnects and speaker cables and fuses? Results at 11. 
Does a new cd transport require break-in time?
willemj wrote,"Double blind tests are only part of the argument, of course. Starting point is that there is no existing physical theory that can explain such 'night and day' differences.">>>>Uh, actually there are physical theories tha... 
What makes tape sound better than vinyl ?
shadorneThose who like cassettes may like compression - a more punchy sound. Cassette will definitely compress good vinyl. Good vinyl can have as much as 70dB dynamic range on the outer edge. Cassettes never exceeded 50 dB.>>>>>Huh?...