

Responses from geoffkait

The invention of measurements and perception
Not to be confrontational but math is not the same thing as measurement. And mathematical proof is not the same as scientific proof. Things can be proven mathematically and math can support scientific evidence but math cannot prove a scientific th... 
The invention of measurements and perception
Jitter is not the root cause. Jitter is the result/manifestation of several independent issues/causes. Bit stuffing presumably occurs when errors occur during the optical read process that can’t be corrected by Reed Solomon EDEC. What’s curious, t... 
Well... guess I have to jump in the rabbit hole of speaker cables... lol
dwellerDoes this happen on all music? The other night, I was playing A "Living Stereo" SACD and there was so much junk coming out I thought "damn, I must have blown a tweeter". Not the case. The "junk" was in the recording! >>>>Geez, w... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
stevecham3,040 posts12-30-2018 1:34pmIn my experience, what DOES make a difference is the balance of the disc. I had several discs modified by the Audio Desk Systeme device and listened before and after. In each case, much to my skepticism and sur... 
Bright or Dim?
A Letter from Jim (Purist Audio)“I’ve been in this business for over 25 years and for me, it started with art. The art of the craft, the art of music and being able to truly appreciate it as the artist intended. Our new, Luminist revision returns ... 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
No test is conclusive. Besides, who wants to put this baby to rest?You never put your toe in the same stream twice. - Old audiophile expression 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
Master of Muppets  
Bright or Dim?
Hey, I know a good thing when I see it. 👀 
Bright or Dim?
rcronk17 Fools at 20 tend to be fools at 70! Fools grow more foolish just like wisdom (the domain of the Wiz - Frank Zappa) may improve with years.The best bet is to shut your eyes. Open eyes stimulate the optic nerve and make the brain work. Easi... 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
Oh, geez. You mean I didn’t mention I’ve been using the stuff on batteries for a year? Ooops! My bad. 
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
Forgive them for they know not what they do. 😳 
Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat
So, here’s a question. I had to change the batteries in my Walkman cassette player and in order to do that I had to take off the Omega E Mat temporarily. Does that mean I destroyed the field the mat establishes on the player or whatever? It seems ... 
Is this the end of HEA?
No, jitter. It’s actually an Appeal to Reality. Knock, knock, Hel-loo!Seasons greetings! 🎄 
Skeptic or just plain hard headed
What a guy! 
The invention of measurements and perception
Two things. What value are measurements of anything if it sound different in every room? And how can we measure audiophile goals like soundstage, air, musicality?