

Responses from geoffkait

Ceramic insulator cone under phono stage shocker!
Why would I want to take away your title? Besides, I already have one, remember? King. 
Ceramic insulator cone under phono stage shocker!
Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I have to plead ignorance here. If someone had told me that sort of thing is frowned upon.....😀 
Ceramic insulator cone under phono stage shocker!
Good point. I guess I did. 🤴  
Ceramic insulator cone under phono stage shocker!
Methinks you should mind your own beeswax. 😬 
Ceramic insulator cone under phono stage shocker!
Oh, no! You’re right! Somebody needs to PM me the prize he wants - Morphic Message Labels, Flying Saucers for Windows or Flying Saucers for Unused Wall Outlets. 
Ceramic insulator cone under phono stage shocker!
I guess nobody wants to win a prize. And the answer is ....Super Stiff Springs! But the trick is to use two 2x4s, each about 24 inches long. A Super Stiff Spring goes under both ends of both 2x4s that are placed front to back on each side of the r... 
Jazz for aficionados
The king of make-out parties. “Chances are...because I wear a silly grin....” 
Cassette Decks in 2019
Even mass produced SONY Walkman cassette players sound better than off the shelf CD players by a considerable margin. Please, no angry emails. Yes, I know CDs are perfect sound forever. 😛 
static Issues...anybody know why?
Have you tried rubbing down the vinyl record with anti static laundry towelettes? 
Ceramic insulator cone under phono stage shocker!
Wake up, Uber! I didn’t do nothin’. I stayed on topic and refrained from name calling. I’m only trying to help. 🤗 Deep six my stalker if you want to do something positive. Duh! 
Ceramic insulator cone under phono stage shocker!
Whoa! What?! Hey, you were the one who mentioned it. Cut me some slack, Jack! 
Impact of phase inversion by preamp
I’m not asking for proof. I’m only asking for evidence. Got any? A whole lotta nothin’ I suspect. 
Whats playing on your system today?
Kraftwerk, The Mix, CD 1991, Japan, DDD. Vee are zee robots. 
Impact of phase inversion by preamp
OK, so that’s one data point. If in fact the story is true. But one data point doesn’t really mean too much. Even if he was wrong. That’s not very convincing evidence. What evidence do you have that Polarity is a 50% proposition for CDs?  
Ceramic insulator cone under phono stage shocker!
Decoupling the rack feet might prove uh, challenging. But it could be done. And I know how to do it! 🤗 Pop Quiz - first person to answer get a free tweak, How can the rack feet be decoupled from the floor?