

Responses from geoffkait

The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
It’s actually a journey without a destination. One issue I see a lot is that many audiophiles don’t know where the sound of their system lies in the overall curve of sound quality. Maybe they think they’re 5% from Audio Perfection so they give up.... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
Mpingo discs. Now there’s a misunderstood GREAT product if ever there was one. I can certainly understand why the Average Joe might not be able to find a place for it in his system. I get it. 🤗 They are tricky little dumaflodgies. No one promised ... 
How much do you need to spend to get digital to rival analog?
I wiz listening to some NOS early Beatles cassettes - the ones you never see anymore, blue with no barcode - yesterday on my SONY Professional portable cassette player. You simply cannot hear dynamic range like that on any Beatles CD - especially ... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
You must’ve misunderstood. You thought your parents told you to emulate them.  
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
The King’s New Clothes. You can paint a donkey different colors but it’s still a donkey.  
The science of opinion ...
Hi! Is this the Dr. Phil Show? How does it feel to have to come here? Does it help to have someone to talk to? I think I felt better when I was locked up in the hospital. I used to think my life was a tragedy. Now I realize it’s a comedy. I’m thin... 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
AES stalker alert 🚨Mods, do your duty! 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
Oh, please! See? That’s exactly what I’m talking about. Definition of an expert - someone who used to be a drip under pressure. You’ve been following the wrong, you know.....🐑 🐑 🐑 
Good Materials for Curtains
I think a lot of it depends on whether you’re naked or not whilst listening to your HiFi. 
The science of opinion ...
et tu, Brute? By the way, if you think your standup is almost ready for Ha Ha’s you’re wrong. 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
Very interesting. 🙄 
The science of opinion ...
I’m starting to get a Lawrence of Arabia complex. The roads in the town where I come from don’t stop at the edge of town. They keep going. I hope I’m not too messianic or a trifle too satanic. Gonna raise me an army, some tough sons of bitchesI’ll... 
The Totalitarianism of the Rational Audiphile
It’s getting harder and harder to tell if these guys are infiltrating from AES or James Randi Educational Foundation. Why have they been sending in ringers? 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
Stalker alert! 🚨  
The science of opinion ...
I swear I’m right. I just checked my journal, I use it as a journal and also as a joke diary. I haven’t been wrong since 1985. And then it was only a typo. Everything’s topsy turvy. Me topsy. You turvy. 🤗