

Responses from geoffkait

Mattresses, not stereos is where the money is
I’m pretty sure mattresses would make excellent vibration isolation platforms, big enough for the whole system! If you have a LITTLE SYSTEM use a child’s mattress. 🤗 Air mattress or spring mattress. Take your pick! A memory foam topper for damping... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
If you subscribe to the idea that getting cables off the floor reduces BOTH static electric charge AND floor-borne vibration then wouldn’t suspending the cables and power cords from the ceiling be better than ANY cable elevator?  
Are most recordings so bad it's not worth spending large on speakers?
Define bad. 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
Well, Looking on the bright side at a minimum it would be BIGGER than 99.9% of the population. 🤡 Von Schweikert uses that 35K internal wiring UPGRADE from NASA. Gosh, I wonder if that’s the same stuff they used on Challenger. 🤡 note to self: Today... 
Best Brands Out of These-Wharfendale,Bowers and Wilkinsons...
Has anyone mentioned Von Schnauzer? 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
mwoh419”>>>>I don’t think I’ve seen so many logical fallacies crammed into one post since the last time I read one of your windy screeds. The anger and frustration jumps right out at you. "Really???" When I am on my death bed, though, ... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
You were asking the right person. 
Best Brands Out of These-Wharfendale,Bowers and Wilkinsons...
I use Wilkinson razor blades. Is that the same company? 
Streamer vs. CD Transport
That pretty much what I thought. Thanks. Ironic since CDs replaced LPs for convenience.  
Favorite punk song.
We are The Clash 
New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies
jafreeman OPStaying on topic: Geoff, you just mentioned we are not really hearing digital well due to micro vibrations, CD wobble and scattered-light reading errors. Even though you are off the grid with your Walkman, these drawbacks do exist in y... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
There is nothing to defend. Nobody is making any claims. Look, if somebody is all hot and bothered and wants to test something, be my guest - knock yourself out. 🥊 Heck, I broke two Laws of Physics today already and it’s not even dinner time. Gee,... 
What is wrong with audiophiles?
If the results of a single test are negative the test means absolutely nothing. Follow? Talk amongst yourselves. 
New York City Audio Show 2019
Mark my words, gentle readers. Static displays are coming. After that there will be people handing out cookies and glossy photos of the system. That would make things a lot more efficient for everybody and avoid the pain of crappy sounding rooms. ... 
The science of opinion ...
avsjerryQuery: "How does it feel to have to come here? Does it help to have someone to talk to?"Opinion: It depends upon what’s going on. If a topic strikes an interest or curiosity, I’ll look in. If it’s technical and of interest, I’ll scan to pe...