

Responses from geoffkait

The science of opinion ...
Shotgun? I sure as shootin’ don’t like the sound of that word. How about wet noodles at three paces? Note to self - for whatever reason I seem to be on a roll today.  
The science of opinion ...
I just tried using my calculator with my feet but it definitely didn’t work. That’s the way of science, right? You experiment.  But who knows, maybe I’m doing it wrong.  
The science of opinion ...
Also I was under the district impression horses can speak but that might be due to too much TV. That’s pretty interesting if horses really can use a hand calculator you know, since they don’t have hands. Do they use hoof calculators? Maybe I’m wro... 
The science of opinion ...
In the first place this thread is neither funny or educational. How do you like them apples? Is it apparently conceived to draw attention to the OP, who apparently truly believes he’s some sort of prophetic science geek. Other than that, it serves... 
The science of opinion ...
I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.  
The science of opinion ...
thynameIt’s not "Whiner". It’s Winer. Ethan Winer.>>>>>Well, uh, you know... 
The science of opinion ...
Please no ad hominem remarks, Ethan! Try to construct your arguments, such as they are, logically. And if you play real nice I may even let you win one. 
The Totalitarianism of the Rational Audiphile
Nobody measures anything anyway so who cares? Measurements are like controlled blind tests. Everyone claims they’re the greatest thing since chunky peanut but nobody does anything about it. Let your ears be a lamp 🕯 unto your feet 🦶🦶 From what I c... 
The science of opinion ...
Note - When glubson says he really doesn’t understand, statistically there’s a 99% probability he’s telling the truth.  
The science of opinion ...
The Brer Rabbit and Tar Baby routine can sometimes be very drawn out. 😬 
The science of opinion ...
Here’s a riddle. What do you get when you cross an obsessive compulsive isolated loner with a society that abandons him and treats him like trash? You get what you deserve - an internet troll! Only kidding! 🤡 Please, no angry emails. It’s hard som... 
The science of opinion ...
“So that your family, friends, co-workers, etc. know who you are, and interact with you?”>>>>>All of which assumes they like the Brer Rabbit and Tar Baby routine of course. 🤡 Humor is subjective.“Is your only social media purpose tr... 
The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
I spent 10 bucks on my SONY WALKMAN CD Player, 10 bucks on my SONY MDR v700 Headphones 🎧 which are fabulous by the way, so as you can imagine I have ZERO buyer’s remorse for my system. I do have a little tiny bit of buyer’s remorse for all the twe... 
How much do you need to spend to get digital to rival analog?
Apparently you just have to know what you’re doing. 🤗 
Looking to improve CD playback
Nobody has figured out how to stop scattered laser light from entering the photodetector. Actually, it’s worse than that. Nobody is aware the scattered light is even a problem. Nor has anyone figured out how to completely stabilize the CD 💿 whilst...