

Responses from geoffkait

Anyone use CD tweaks
The last time I looked the Radio Shack Bulk Tape Eraser had been discontinued. That was some time ago. Fortunately, eBay is a good resource for the item. 
Do Blue Dots applied to LP labels improve sound?
Stanwal - We find it saves on house calls. Like the blue dots, the tele tweak operates on the principle of mind-matter interaction. No more Mr. Nice Guy. 
Song covers that are better than the originals
The Ramones' cover of the Stones' classic, Out of Time. 
Cryo'ed LP's
Highendman, the only things I can think of are (1) the proper ramp down, dwell and ramp up timing protocol for LPs was not employed in your case for some reason, perhaps an error or (2) the LPs were exposed to excessive heat somehwere along the li... 
Cryo'ed LP's
Yes, I was serious about the home freezer and, yes, I realize the temperatures are not as low as cryo temps. 
Cryo'ed LP's
That's odd, Highendman. There are quite a few cryogenics labs specializing in audio items - including LPs - such as Cryogenics International and Enduro Cryogenics. One suspects that if properly controlled cryo treatment of LPs produces warped LPs ... 
Cryo'ed LP's
Ouch! Very ouch! 
Cryo'ed LP's
...... :-) 
Hi-Fi Tuning gold fuse on Parasound
If you have two fuses you might try reversing them one at a time if you haven't tried that already. 
Hi-Fi Tuning gold fuse on Parasound
The sonic characteristic of a fuse inserted in the wrong direction is overly bright or harsh, relatively speaking. If the sound seems overly bright then perhaps the fuse(s) should be reversed. 
Cryo'ed LP's
Srwooten, yes, I've cryo'd LPs; I've also frozen them in the freezer, which works surprisingly well. If you don't mind my asking, how much is it these days to cryo an LP? 
Cryo'ed LP's
The reason cryogenics works for musical instruments, rifle barrels, tonearms, golf clubs, CDs etc. is that physical characteristics of the materials are improved by the cryogenic cold tempering process. Thus, metals and plastics are stiffer, harde... 
Cryo'ed LP's
A possible explanation for why cryoing improves LP performance is the same reason it improves the performance of golf balls, rifle barrels, automotive engine cam shafts, trumpets, not to mention tonearms, turntable platters, CDs, interconnects, st... 
Cryo'ed LP's
Oooops, almost forgot to mention for cryo stuff, best to wait a week or so after getting items back from lab since materials can take some time to recover from the cryo experience and might sound a little "funny" if listened to right away. It all ... 
Cryo'ed LP's
Don't be alarmed that the record is warped when you pull it out of the freezer. Allow it to warm slowly to room temp. YRMV.