

Responses from genesis168

Solen vs Hovland caps
Hovlands are by far the best caps I've used. It beats out the Solens and the Multicaps. Only problem is that they costs an arm and a leg. These caps have the smoothest highs and mids I've encountered so far.If you think your speaker is worth the c... 
Are MC step-up transformers better?
Audio Note Step-up Transformer is the way to go. Try the silve wired wound ones. Will blow your brains out. 
Which SILVER cables sound best?
Properly made silver cable sounds awwwwsome! Most silver cables in the market sound bright. Try Audio Note cables....clearly the best ever made IMHO. 
One more BI-WIRE question
It really depends on the crossover design. If a crossover is designed properly, Bi-wiring would NOT make a difference. A properly designed crossover will not inject what is a so called "back EMF" from the speaker back to the amp. Bi-wiring really ... 
Best Power Conditioner
If you haven't heard the Foundation Research LC1 and LC2, You have not heard anything yet! I've used Bybees, PS power plants, changs...etc. Check this one out. Made in Canada! 
PSB Gold , NHT 3.3, Paradigm 100 V2?
As a previous owner of the PSB Gold i's, trust me as your money will buy you a lot less!!! I have since upgraded to Dunlavy's which costs many times more and still am impressed by the kind of sound that came out from those PSB speakers. Bravo PSB!... 
best 6DJ8 tube?
Valvo 6DJ8 id the best as well as Mullards. I have Valvo's for sale. Interested please email me mangsenglai@yahoo.com 
Opinions on Classe 15 or Classe 25 Amp.
I had a Classe 15 amp and it sounded great. It will drive any speaker in the market as it has a lot of "juice". This is definitely one of the better amps available today. Sold it because I had a chance to own a Mark Levinson amp. 
Has anybody heard the FIM power cords?
Power cords start at around USD775 for the silver version. Most Avalon dealers carry them in the USA 
Has anybody heard the FIM power cords?
Best I have used. They are very stiff though. Alot better than the Top of the line NBS I used to have. That said. 
Is no reserve really the truth?
Dtwomey, you've been mistaken, I checked out that auction of Wadia 850 and the opening bid was $1.00 So far, there were many bidders and the price is up to $2930. Therefore ,the minimum now is $2960. If you were the first person to place a bid, yo... 
Mark Levinson 331 good amplifier ?
Not a good anp....Great sounding amp which dissappears and leaves the music untouched...almost. go to www.audioreview.com to read reviews from all over the net. 
Interconnect with good bass
CARDAS!!! Very good bass cable. Very good bass damping too. 
First Impression Music Cable Products
Cables are really good! They have 2 power cords at this time..silver and Gold. 2 interconnects...Silver and Gold series and same for speaker cables. Great sounding high end cables and relatively cheaper than NBS. If you use these cables, you'd thi... 
Does anyone know if neutral cables exist
Audio Note AN-vZ interconnects and Audio Note AN-SPx speaker cables. Nothing much to look at but sounds very liquid without any sonic signature.