

Responses from genesis168

Technics SH-AC500D - Where to buy???
Unit has been discontinued. Try getting a new old stock from dealer or buy used. 
Mark Levinson 380S connectivity -Help
380s is an analog preamp. If you want an outboard dac, try the 360 or 360s. They will have the AES/EBU inputs. 
How many would be surprised?
Sorry....my boo, boo on the 2 above posts 
How many would be surprised?
Heavier guage cable does not cost more to make. Since copper and silver are not really expensive materials.IMHO, tiny guage cables tend to preserve the music signal better than larger guage cables. I use Audio Note Silver Speaker cables and they a... 
How many would be surprised?
Heavier guage cable does not cost more to make. Since copper and silver are not really expensive materials.IMHO, tiny guage cables tend to preserve the music signal better than larger guage cables. I use Audio Note Silver Speaker cables and they a... 
Best Mac tube FM tuner: MR67 or MR71??
Sc53, so you sold your Fanfare for a Mac. Congrats! Try getting a MR71, you'd be surprised. 
Best Mac tube FM tuner: MR67 or MR71??
MR71 is the one which is the most highly rated. I have them both. They sound fabulous. None of mine have the mods done but will do them when I have the $.Go with the 71 or buy them both. 
To Preamp or not to Preamp, that is my q
In your situation, a pssive would only make the sound worse as there is a volume control there already on the CDP.If you're into ultimate transparency in the sound, no preamp is the best way. Using a preamp would help make your music sound fuller ... 
To Preamp or not to Preamp, that is my q
Hin Levinson 39 has a preamp section built in it. That's OK to connect to a power amp. 99% of other CD players like the Denon used here does not have one built in.To use a regular CDP as a drive for power amps are not appropriate. Sometimes gettin... 
To Preamp or not to Preamp, that is my q
Preamp! It acts like a buffer stage to drive your cables. The output impedence on a preamp is far lower than a CD player. That's why you need one. 
New Listener Mag Tweak Issue
Megsam, the discs makes the sound more liquid and rounded. Sounstage and depth also improved. You can adjust the tonal balance slightly by turning the discs. These discs work based on the theory of ...instead of getting rid of vibrations (nobody c... 
New Listener Mag Tweak Issue
I have a set of Shun Mook discs. they are places atop my preamp and work like a charm. Will highly recommend 
Cardas Caps Worthwhile?
Noise floor dropped. Very dark background Very effective. 
Mcintosh Equalization
If you're refering to the MQ 107 or other MQ reries EQ's, they work well to control the bass irregularities. Problem is that you need a Mcintosh AA2 spectrum analyzer to tune the EQ. Hope it helps. 
Leave well enough alone
Same here, I got a deal on a McIntosh MR71 tuner quite rare) Paid C$250 for it. Looked good except the inside the glass was a little dusty. I had to take it out to clean it. Guess what????!!! The markings were old and some of it came off!! I was p...