
Responses from gdnrbob

Townshend Seismic Isolation Podium Platform Review:
@wokeuptobose,No, there is no break in process. The platforms/pods/podiums just do their thing.B 
2 Ohm Tekton Pendragons
@onhwy61 , depends upon where the 2 ohm dip occurs. If it is in the bass region, it would severely tax just about any amplifier.- And, that isn't including ... 
2 Ohm Tekton Pendragons
@mapman .+1@mofojo ,+1@OP, other than something like a Class A Pass or D'Agostino, I can't think of an amp that would be suitable for such a low impedance.Bob 
Looking for speaker advice-$10-20k
@OP, are you near a city with Audio dealers?Bob 
Spectral or Ayre (combo)
@OP, Pay no attention to the man behind the screen.Though I have no experience with Spectral, I do with Ayre.I own MX-R's, KX-R, Codex, and QB-9 Twenty's. My equipment runs as it should. When I did have an issue with the MX-R's (blown cap), Ayre f... 
Has Digital Audio Tech Plateaued - Is It Safe To Come Out Now?
I think digital audio is going to be a lot like digital photography.Currently digital audio is in the 12-15 mp range. Not bad, but when it gets to 24-45 mp, it is going to give vinyl a run for the money.And, like digital photography, there will be... 
Are there any speakers for nearfield listening that sound GREAT at low volumes?
An inexpensive way to tweak your speakers would be using a Schiit Loki.That way you could configure the sound to your liking.Bob 
Problems with Innuos Music Library missing covers
@oldears ,At least, you know you are not alone.Hopefully, the update will fix you issues. Even if it doesn't, I am sure Innous will work with you to find a remedy.I did much the same with Bluesound. Though it was a bear to slog through, they did e... 
Problems with Innuos Music Library missing covers
Ahh, I hate it when software goes wonky.Though the remedy is usually something quite simple.Give Innous a chance to remedy. If you don't get a response, let me know.Bob 
Problems with Innuos Music Library missing covers
I haven't. Are you up to date on the Innous software?When coming against such problems, it would be best to contact Innous directly. They always answered my queries.Bob 
Class D for a Tube Lover
If you can wait, Ralph Karsten is close to completing his Class D amps.If he can build tube amps that sound great, I have no doubts his Class D amps will be just as good.Bob 
Tube Preamp Recommendations
A used Atmasphere UV-1 would be in your budget.I own one and it is pretty sweet.Bob 
Any experience buying or selling to the Audio Foreign Office in Portugal?
@OP, you do know that European equipment runs on a different current.As for  Audio Foreign Office in Portugal, I would try looking at European audio groups to find information. Their website looks good, but that doesn't mean squat, as I have hear... 
The Belles Aria Signature Integrated Amplifier
@jjss49 ,Great observations. Thanks for sharing.I am awaiting an Aria Signature Preamp, as soon as Mr. B. can make one.bob 
The Belles Aria Signature Integrated Amplifier
Though I have no intention of ever buying LFD equipment, I am glad @ianrmack gave his input.It makes the phrase YMMV relevant IMHO.Nuthin' but acronyms here, today.B