
Responses from gdnrbob

Speaker choice advise requested...
Greetings all. This is a quasi-follow up to an earlier discussion. I currently have Magnepan .7's which I do like however room configuration is probably restricting their true performance to about 75%. So, I have been toying with the idea of a s... 
Vandersteeen 2wq (or any sub) in small room
 The Vandersteen website also has the Richard Hardesty Jounals- a very good read. 
Speaker choice advise requested...
I still am of the opinion that other parts of your setup are not allowing the speakers to do what they should. Is there a reason why you won't reveal the source, amp and preamp?I don't mean to be pushy, but speakers are dependent upon the signals ... 
burning bootlegs to HDD -- how is metadata set / maintained?
I know how overwhelming this can be. I did it last year. However, it was worth it. You need a program to burn the CD's to your PC hard disk. I use JRiver, but there are other programs and I am sure others will post their ways.I use my pc to play m... 
Speaker choice advise requested...
Now that we know you have the sound anchors and sub, it eliminates some of the obvious problems. I wouldn't think having the equipment in the middle would alter sound staging. If that is the case, then you should try different placement, in my op... 
Question on hearing
I sympathize with you psag.As others have posted, it may be that we experienced that excitement because it was new to us.I was beginning to feel like you did, but streaming music allowed me to find lots of genres that I never explored before.I lov... 
Speaker choice advise requested...
Maggies have been one of my favorites for years (despite being a Vandy fanboy).As Randy said, consider adding a sub. I know Maggies and Vandy subs are a great combo, tried and true. Not knowing your listening room and dimensions, equipment, etc., ... 
Why are low impedance speakers harder to drive than high impedance speakers
And, remember most of the amps power is going to the lower frequencies. So, if the impedance dips at low frequecies, your amp will have a hard time keeping up with the demands of the speaker.Like the water in the hose instead of being restricted b... 
Looking for a Speaker Recommnedation
There are a pair of Vandy Quatro's on Audioconnection's website preowned for $5K. If I knew, I would have bought them instead of the Treo, oh well.Where are you located? Johnny Rutan is the best and can give you the best advice on Vandy's. PM him,... 
Liner notes in a streaming age
This is something that I wish I could get on Spotify. 
Power cord replacement suggestions
I would imagine that it would depend on the component and how much resolving power it has. 
Vandersteeen 2wq (or any sub) in small room
Thanks hifiman5, I am wondering if it would be worth moving up to the 2wq. I have a pair of HSU subs for my office that have a 'q' function, but I seem to keep them on the low side anyway(-I'm not a fan of boomy bass). I can't remember, but I thin... 
Components I would have died for when I was a wee pup
Those Vandersteen 2a's were my grail-which I thankfully got 34 years later in the form of 3a sigs.Dahlquist 10's, Maggies, and a brief fling with Shahanian obelisks also piqued my interest. I was obsessed with speakers, as you can see.  Funny that... 
Looking for a Speaker Recommnedation
Too bad there are no Vandy Dealers nearby.But, I suspect if you like the Maggies, you will love the Vandy's.If you can find a pair of 3a sigs or Treo's, I doubt you would be disappointed. Johnny Rutan of audioconnection is known to make some kille... 
Do you think my cable length setup will have much effect or may hear the difference?
Don't change a thing!- like the lady in that K. Hepburn movie said.