
Responses from gdnrbob

Vandersteen Treo CT
I would have gotten them, if I could afford them.That being said I bought Ctsooners non CT pair so he could get the Quatro CT's.I also have a pair of 2wq subs to go with the Treo'sI love what I have.Bob 
My apologies_Upgrade path from Wilson WattPuppy 7's?
If you are going to spend that amount of coin, I suggest looking at Vandersteen again. Perhaps the model 5.My opinion is that the Quatro's weren't set up properly when you listened to them.-But, Hey, I am a Vandy Fanboy.B 
Horn based loudspeakers why the controversy?
I remember Klipsch speakers at a record store in Ithaca when I went to Cornell (late 70's). They really filled the room, which was large.B 
McCormack DNA-1 Gold or DNA-225
I finally got my DNA-1 monoblocks set up and burning in as I write.I concur with dyl71, the sound is very clean and holistic.My only problem is that the Vandy crossover for my 2wq subs only goes to 22K ohms in balanced. I think I need a lower sett... 
No preamp 'Balance' control?
Good point sssperf.I, too, have a bit of hearing loss as well as an asymmetric listening position in my office, so a balance or gain control is a necessity.B 
what to buy first
+1 reubent.OP, Do you want an 'Audiophile' system? or just something to play music decently?If the former, then I suggest trying to visit some Brick and Mortar Dealers and listening to as many speakers as you can-Then you will get an idea of what ... 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
I looked those SPL meters up, and  I can get a cheapo version here. Great, now we're getting somewhere. You can even substitute some bolts for the cones, until they arrive. Just get the proper thread( I think it is 3/8-16).  Put the bolt head ... 
Store auditioning and then buying on-line from others. How do you feel about it ?
@drvan Yes, I can relate to your experience(I lived in NYC), but there are some really great dealers out there. Like Barr81, you have to find them.B 
Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo
@ja_zz Why don't you just buy a Radio Shack SPL Meter off Ebay and be done with it? If you were closer, you could borrow mine. (Or, you could fly me to Russia. I need a vacation...).Using the cheapo Radio Shack meter is easier and if you run into ... 
Please...dont flame me (Bose 901-Series I help)
A good power amp is requisite for the 901's.You could go vintage and get an Adcom 555, or maybe something newer like a McCormack DNA-1. Both should power the 901's as they should.B 
Ikea Eket shelves with a large vinyl collection?
I would go with Besta. Very well designed with lots of different door styles.B 
Vandersteen Seminar at Audio Connection (NJ)
Nuts, I didn't even know about it. I always wanted to meet Mr. V.B. 
Recommendations for music network player
+1 for Bluesound.I own the Node 1 and use my Ayre Codex as a DAC.Works beautifully and you can have them run throughout the house for wireless connectivity.For the money, Spotify would be my choice. I am trying Tidal again, but find it a bit limit... 
Amp recommendation need
I would never turn my nose up to a Pass amp.My ancient Adcom 555 still works like it did 30 years ago.There seem to be a couple for sale here on Audiogon, too.B 
Store auditioning and then buying on-line from others. How do you feel about it ?
@viridian As a native New Yorker, I share your sentiment. During the '80's I visited just about all the stores in the area, and with the exception of one or two, they all exhibited the traits you described: Many are more concerned with their need...