
Responses from gdnrbob

Which amp for Vandersteen 3As?
Vandy's are not a difficult load for most amps.McCormack is a good choice.Belles is also highly recommended.If you want the best, then Ayre is the way to go.I only post this because I tried them all.One thing I will point out is that Vandy's seem ... 
Vandersteen 2WQ Subs and ARC Power amp
@stringreen Excellent point.@mr_m ,My subs have never been loud or boomy, in fact very subtle. I can only 'hear' them if I disconnect the speakers and play the subs separately.@scottwsmith ,Though mr_m gave you a caution, I would be hesitant with ... 
Ayre Codex vs. Lampizator Amber II
I was at Audioconnection a week ago and Johnny had an Aurender connected to the Codex (after running the Bluesound Node with the Codex).In short, I was amazed at how much cleaner the sound (esp. Bass), was.I contacted Aurender to find if I can hoo... 
Vandersteen 2WQ Subs and ARC Power amp
Another thought...Which taps are you using with the ARC?Bob 
Looking for a new preamp
+1 mofimadness.Bob 
Tube Amps With Good Bass Qualities
Atma Sphere.Bob 
Vandersteen 2WQ Subs and ARC Power amp
Vandy subs are very subtle in performance.When you plug them in, do you hear a 'Thump'. If so, good! They are working.150K crossovers should be giving you noticeable bass, considering the amps 300K impedance, but perhaps your room needs a bit mor... 
Have you ever been blocked by an E seller here?
I just recalled a listing with a 'Make offer', which I did- $1000 less than the listed price. (Originally, $8,500).The seller offered the original price in response.When I asked, ' Why offer a 'Make offer', if you want only your asking price, he/s... 
Have you ever been blocked by an E seller here?
Wow, such pettiness...It seems to be a sign of the times, unfortunately.If only we could instill a higher moral standard to guide the 'Better Angels of our Nature'.Bob 
@hgeifman ,Thanks for posting that information.I have a nice list of favorites on Quobuz, but hate the fact I can't sort them by Artist.I have to say, Spotify does it and it offers a nice bunch of compilations based on the albums in your favorites... 
Recommendations for a new integrated amp for Vandersteen 3a speakers
I believe I heard Cronus Magnum at Audioconnection.Very clean, but a little lean on the bass end though I don't believe there were subs added...Bob 
Are manufacturers having discussions removed from Audiogon if they turn negative?
@OP, Unfortunately, political divisiveness is now the norm, given our current administration's behaviour.Like most things, it should be short-lived, especially in our Tweet filled world.In the meantime, we can still enjoy the comments from posters... 
Vandersteen Kento Specs Released
There is a CT available at a reasonable cost- The VLR.And, don't snicker, I own the non-CT VLR's and have to say they are impressive for their size.Bob 
Which amp for Vandersteen 3As?
I ran my 3a sigs with an unmodded Adcom GFA 555, then a McCormack DNA-1.Both provided a great sound.The nice thing is that SMc Audio can upgrade the DNA-1's to whatever you want. They converted my DNA-1's to monoblocks, as well.If you want to get ... 
Vandersteen Kento Specs Released
Ah, if only I had the room...In any case, my Treo's are pretty sweet and when I get the Sub 3's, I think I will be done for the rest of my life.- That is barring I win the Lottery😁Bob