
Responses from gdnrbob

Modifying Crossovers
@falmgren , I would be highly suspect of anyone who thinks they know more than the speaker designer. If they know so much, why haven't they designed their own speaker. My 2 cents... Bob  
Stupid Asking Prices- Why Don't Sellers Read Audiogon The Blue Book First?
@jaytor , +1 I have used HifiShark for years not only to get an idea of prices, but to find equipment.  A very useful website. Bob  
Innuos and Roon?
I also use Roon with my Zen Mini and Zen.  Roon interface is very easy to work with, too. No problems whatsoever. Bob  
I feel it is time to upgrade my 1977 system.......
My 2 cents... Yes, you are ready for an upgrade. A lot has changed, and mostly for the better. Your first task is to get the specs on the Altec's (power rating, impedance,etc. Then you'll need to look for an amp that sounds good with your speak... 
Digital is as confusing as ever
The Node is a fine entry level streamer with lots of different streaming companies to chose from. If you are looking for 'high resolution', it would mean, IMHO, using a different streamer. Aurrender, Innuos, and Auralic are some brands you shoul... 
Custom Window Sound Blockers
I remember these going on the outside of the window. They were called 'storm windows', if I recall.😉. Bob  
Magnepan 3.5r Owners needed.... No bass
Well, it is your loss. B  
Feedback QLN Prestige Three Speakers Requested
I heard the QLN's at the NY Audio show a few years ago. I really enjoyed the sound, but felt they were being held back. Mind you, I own Vandersteen Treo's. The QLN's sounded like my Treo's, but when I had less than optimal wiring. (Kind of muffl... 
Magnepan 3.5r Owners needed.... No bass
My first recommendation is to contact Magnepan. My second is to contact John Rutan (Audioconnection). He is a dealer, and he knows what makes things work-Yes, a dealer, but a really good guy who provides free info without making you buy something... 
Roon Room Correction- Who Has used it? Opinions please!
I haven't done it, as I am rather old school and don't want to introduce unknown/unwanted time smears to my music. I do know that many have used a mic for calibration.  As for software, some use apps on their smartphone.   Please don't think I... 
Stereo or monoblocks
Schitt makes some very good equipment, at very good prices. But, if I could afford the Mac, I would do it in a heartbeat. B  
Question about RAM
+1 Though 32 gig would be even better. Bob  
Anyone care to share their opinion of the Vandersteen 2ce sig mkII?
Not bi-wiring, and not adding the correct tilt will make them sound less than ideal. And, you haven't mentioned what equipment you are using. That, I believe, might be part of the reason you aren't finding them more engaging. I just ran an audi... 
Please help with setting up a streaming system
For budget conscious systems, the Bluesound is excellent. For a better quality, I would go with Innuos and Aurilac. As far as your DAC goes, I think it would be the best start in order to attain higher quality sound. A used Ayre Codex,(now under... 
AudioQuest vs Cardas XLR
Well, in my opinion, a good cable should just transmit the information without changing the sound quality. Which is why I use AQ.  The newest models by Garth Powell are, once again-IMO, the best AQ has ever made. I heard them at Audioconnection, ...