Responses from gbmcleod
Apogee Calipers worth anything If you can get it repaired, it's a good speaker. I had them back in 1985 - before I got WATTS. But for parts?? I dunno. | |
Please talk me out of buying the Avalon Eclipse @celo The Avalon Eclipse is a splendid speaker. And it has one trait, almost NO other speaker has (I owned it back in the 1990s, along with the Ascents) and that is, a vanishingly low "grain." With the right amp, the view into the soundstage wil... | |
Do your ears deceive you? Yes, and I noticed that the violinmaker in your article - who was part of the research team that administered the test - was very surprised they couldn’t identify what they were playing. I’m guessing that Henryk Szeryng could identify them, since... | |
Front Row Seat Power Cord? If you got a "front row power cord" (I’m not sure what that is), but your electronics and speaker are "mid-hall" perspective, you’re not suddenly going to feel like you’re in the front row). It will be mildly closer. And perhaps not noticeable. M... | |
Magnepan LRS+ resistors on the tweeters… which? @audiofilo123 It appears this is part of the design. | |
Shunyata Delta or Alpha V2 NR vs. AQ Hurricane HC Good thread! | |
Nordost Valhalla RCA vs. Wireworld Platinum Eclips @gganaway I agree with your assessment of the Valhalla completely. I had Valhalla at one point, and I noticed the same thing. | |
Nordost Frey 2; what should I expect? I liked the Frey 2 very much. Eventually, I sold them, and went up to the Tyr 2. The Tremendous transparency and a great speed on transient. The upper base in middle base are good, but just a tiny bit lightweight. I should point out here that mus... | |
??? How Much Would You Spend ??? Are the speakers, box, ribbon, horn, or electrostatic? And the sensitivity? The amp must be able to drive the speakers, so that would be a significant consideration. I'd go with an Aesthetix Mimas (around 9k), as it has tubes in the preamp and ... | |
Truly Stunning Vinyl Album The Barbra Streisand Album. (The first one, 1963.) I was listening to my recently-acquired-at-the-time Dynavector XX2 Mk II (10 years ago), and this was one of the albums I just randomly put on to listen for the Dynavector's capabilities. And ... | |
Magnepan LRS+ resistors on the tweeters… which? How long have you had the speakers? Is it possible that they are not fully broken in? | |
Interconnect Break In? Wire DOES break in. Anyone who’s owned upper-tier Nordost, with its shriekingly strident treble before it (finally) breaks in, knows this to be true. It took what it always takes with Nordost: 300+ hours. And this was Frey 2, and Tyr 2, which I bo... | |
Magico speakers too clinical and fatiguing? @jond I don't think - although I can't know for sure - that the sound you heard was colored by CAT electronics to the extent of sounding 'chocolate-y' , unless someone was playing around with tubes. I owned CAT electronics for many years, and c... | |
Recommend me a tube integrated amplifier @freediver I had a Music Fidelity A1 for 10 years before i gave it to my sister. It’s a great little amp, but it doesn’t do what tubes do, which is to present a much more holographic presentation (assuming that that is what’s on the record). It ... | |
Recommend me a tube integrated amplifier @ghdprentice I believe the Audio Research I-50 is a hybrid, not an all-tube integrated. I sold a Vsi60 a while back, and what I disliked about it - despite its other sterling qualities - was that the sound was a bit "washed out" in the same way... |