

Responses from gawdbless

"Pictures at an Exhibition"
I have three versions on cd,Mehta/Nu Yoik Philharmonic on CBS MK35165,Lorin Maazel/Cleveland Orch on Telarc CD-80042But my favorite version is by Bernstein/Nu Yoik Philharmonic also on CBS MYK 36726I think all are digitally remastered from Analogue. 
Quality of New MoFi recordings
There is nothing at all wrong sound wise with the original cd of 'Tiger lily' by Natalie Merchant it sounds superb. Mastered by Bob Ludwig. If one has to keep resorting to 'souped' up versions then there must be something amiss in the hi-fi chain.... 
Vinyl and SACD rule when it comes to...
......ones' speakers are not up to much? 
Sophia 2 vs. Vandersteen Quatro
And the winner was? 
Are there taxes from items purchased in the UK?
Thanks for the responses, guys. To give a little more detail, the speakers here in the US costs $16,000 + sales tax + shipping. From the UK, they would be $10,900 (including shipping). What do you think? I'm hesitant at all the hidden costs that m... 
Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
The UK has an organisation called BADA (British Audio Dealers Association), it is a group of up market real audiophile shops that go that little but further to keep the customer satisfied and not sell anything that the customer does not like or ne... 
Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
I am feeling quite sea sick with all this boat talk. 
Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
Seems like we all want the moon but are expecting to pay the price of a thrift store shirt. Some bitch about how much the dealer pays for item X from manufacturer Y, and sells for Z.I think you may possibly have to work in retail to understand ove... 
Budget Subwoofer?
What hi-fi magazine is a comic. 
What is the best doors album in your opinion?
In through the out doors? 
What was the movie?
Might be handy if you could remember any/some of the actors in it. 
Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
I have a few priorities that I have to support before an audio store gets a look in. It makes little or no sense to me in most cases to buy anything 'new' as TVAD has stated, if one looks at the gear on here for sale second hand a vast majority of... 
DK Design Group X-Dream - wow
Seems to me that it is just another 'enclosed speaker' with an exotic price tag that went as easily as it came. 
Stunning Harpsichord Recording
Hip hip hooray for Cristofori for making harpsichords but more importantly for inventing the piano!Don't pluck it, HIT IT!oops, sorry, nothing much to do with the thread. 
Are there taxes from items purchased in the UK?
Buconero117, I personally hope the pound sterling will not go as low as $1.30 as for me $1.50 is bad enough, the forecasts I have heard from those 'in the know' is that it will go up to about $1.60+, it has been hovering around the $1.50 minus a f...