

Responses from gawdbless

Bruce at The Super Bowl....
Why did they not book the 'new look' Jessica Simpson?Same quality of music, but a million times better to look at.Actually they should have just canceled the super bowl and let Bruce just do one of his concerts, they would last about the same. Ear... 
Bruce at The Super Bowl....
Super Bowel more like. 
CD's you bring for auditioning
I tend to take cd's that are lesser engineered cd's than the best engineered cd's, probably unlike most of the ones already mentioned. If the ropey cd's sound musical then, a) the speakers are good, and b)the best engineered cd's will sound awesom... 
Vandersteen 7 Flagship at CES
Zargon, I am sure there is more than my very simplistic synopsis view point of the 7 speaker.Just another speaker to add to the 'got to listen to' list.Will owners of the 5 go for the upgrade? 
Local dealer cuts store in half says audio is dead
Seems like some people want first class bend over backwards type service, but want the shop to act like they are running a garage sale.Back over in Europe,possibly the best hi-fi dealer in the UK is 'Graham's hi-fi' in London who are members of BA... 
Wilson Sophia 2's on Marantz Reference
'It's only if you have more cash than you know what to do with and have the most discerning ear do you need to consider the Alexandria X-2 Series 2s, which performance is beyond superlatives.' Dylan,I think we all like to think we have discerning ... 
Vandersteen 7 Flagship at CES
The 5a costs $16,700 so a bit of 'carbon fiber/balsa wood mix' for the mid, mid bass and up adds an extra $28,300 to the new 7 model over the 5a?Sorry, I just can't get excited over a pair of enclosed speakers that cost a wallet s....t....r....e..... 
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps
I would wager that JJ has played many organ recitals also. 
Guitar Hero or Rock Band: Admit You Play?
Yeah, was at a party and I was told I looked like the bass guitarist from guitar hero, I think most of the tunes were a bit old school rock (from memory and a state of 'too drunk to copulate').I remember 'Bulls on Parade' by the one and only RATM.... 
Your Favourite Remix Albums/CDs
Marilyn Manson- Remix & Repent. 
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps
Flemke, the word I think you are looking for is 'b0ner' 
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps
Beverly Sills and Maria Callas. 
Supporting Local Audio Stores are we?
'Us' audiophiles in terms of musical equipment sales are not even a grain of sand in the Sahara.The biggest selling album in the US last year was Radiohead with 28,400 sold, compared to 1 billion downloads (I am assuming legal downloads).Why do we... 
What piece of music can you play over & over?
Dlr, Thanks for that, perhaps the elite SAS should be now be known as ASS? as in, they are tailing it, and when they catch it, they will surely kick it.Back off to the listening ACCD or BU04 now.  
Favorite Female vocals that give you goose bumps
Cassandra Peterson aka 'Elvira' for me chaps.Can't sing, who cares?