Responses from fplanner2000
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments? I would check Transylvania...... | |
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments? I have 2 VAC 300.1 tube amps plugged into a Powercell 10SE via Hologram A's with no problems whatsoever. | |
Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments? You may have a bad cord or something wrong with the active conditioning. Absent that, I have a pretty tough time believing the cord is "limiting" - there's apparently something wrong somewhere. | |
Power conditioning I've heard nothing positive, ever, about Furman. Sometimes you get what you pay for. | |
Esoteric DV-50 vs the Newer Esoteric players? No problem - send me an e-mail. | |
Esoteric DV-50 vs the Newer Esoteric players? Newer Esoteric gear sounds great, but will still be somewhat system dependent. With my tubed amps, preamp and DAC, my Esoteric modded UX-1pi sounds phenomenal. Very detailed but also musical and organic, without a trace of edginess.Additionally, m... | |
Best digital interconnect Another suggestion would be the Synergistic Research D-3 digital IC. It easily trounced a very good Esoteric digital IC in my system costing more than twice as much, which in turn had sounded better than VD Rev. The D-3 is probably 1 of the last t... | |
Velodyne's Dim View FYI - Guess is that the DD series will be replaced by CES 2010, if not sooner. New series is supposed to incorporate lots of bells and whistles of the other sub mfgrs, plus more. Velodyne has always been a class act, IMO - they take care of their ... | |
Velodyne's Dim View You're just not talking to the right guys. Carl (I believe that's his name) in Arizona is great. They have always taken care of me and I've owned their products over 15 years. No problems whatsoever.Happy current Velodyne DD-15 owner. | |
Emission Labs EML 30B-XLS tubes in VAC Ren. 70/70? Best advice is above - call Kevin or Brent at VAC, instead of guessing. That's where I'd start. | |
How close was your starting budget to the final bu Off by at least 1 decimal place, but also includes 2-channel.I have always "budgeted" (a VERY relative word) in relation to individual components as opposed to "system". Warning - this method can easily lead to "money-pit-itis", the more costly co... | |
Need Cable recommendation for VAC/Avalon Combo. I've had good luck with Synergistic Research actively shielded cabling. | |
The best no-compromise digital options? Interesting thread. Best for my system so far has been an Esoteric UX-1 modified up to a UX-1Pi going into an APL modded DAC w/4 32-bit AKM chips and class A tubed output stage(E182cc Amperex tube from Holland). Lots of detail, depth and musicalit... | |
Seeking suggestions for Preamp A specific question was asked and you referred the thread to marketing material for your product, instead of answering the question. Pretty simple. | |
Seeking suggestions for Preamp Allen- At this point, the "pitch" had probably better stop. This is not an advertising forum, in case you were confused. |