Responses from fleschler
Reel to reel Yes, I agree that the Technics 1200 is an average machine, competent but not extraordinary. I liked it more than most machines from the 1970s and 1980s like Duals, Rotels, Miracords, BSRs, Garrards, etc. It is a good test unit for universal use ... | |
Is there a difference in sound quality when streaming TIDAL Vs CD player I've sold at least a dozen mid-fi pieces of equipment in mint condition including McIntosh MX110, Fisher 1000 preamp, Acoustat Xs, 2&2s, Martin Logan Quest and Monolith IIIs. The reason, I purchased something I liked better. I did purchase m... | |
Reel to reel And what am I going to play on a nice Studer, my own recordings, or buy some $500 reissues? Maybe you're very wealthy, but even my friends with $850,000 and $1,200,000 audio system/rooms don't play RR. One is analog only and the other has digita... | |
What are the top 3 dream speakers you wanna buy next regardless of price? Magicos, Wilsons, YGs suck up power but don't sound as musically interesting as even cheap Maggies. I like Maggies too but I'm drawn to more conventional dynamic speakers that have dynamics more like horns and resolution more like electrostats. ... | |
Differences between cd transports? I heard my friend's new DAC from COS Engineering and it blew away my EAR Acute. Using a 1998 Pioneer DV-5 DVD player with a dual laser for the spinner, the DAC increased the enjoyment of listening by improved bass, dynamics, soundstage, imaging, ... | |
Reel to reel Cartridges that sound different does not mean wrong. There are bigger differences in high end speakers $100,000+. Solid state versus Tube, my Tandberg versus my Technics RR, an Ampex 300 versus a Revox or Teac RR. They all sound significantly d... | |
Is there a difference in sound quality when streaming TIDAL Vs CD player Well, I’ve taken the road in between. I purchase ICs, A/C and speaker cables that sell for $300 to $900 from the manufacturer GroverHuffman.com (as a beta tester, I auditioned 100s of cables from his and other companies). I would rather $5,000 on ... | |
Reel to reel My experience is that many CDs kill the LP versions. Columbia classical is one label that excels on CD. Example, Mitropoulos conducting Prokofiev Romeo and Juliet. Original first stamper and later stamper Columbia, Odyssey reissue, first CD iss... | |
Reel to reel Some of the best sounding mono LPs were made using 1/2" tape and/or 30 ips speed tape. For acoustic music, the simpler the microphone setup, the better (2 or 3 mikes back in the late 50s and early 60s). | |
Reel to reel I own a Tandberg 9000x and a Technics 1500, 1/4 and 1/2 track 3 speed. I have made choral recordings using the Tandberg that sound fantastically lifelike. I also own many direct discs, some of which were recorded with some hall ambiance and also... | |
Reasonable but not outragious interconnects Used Grover Huffman ICs with the ZX or EX designation are excellent choices if you can find them. The Empress and new Pharoahs are 5X and 10X your price range but the ZX and EX have most of the newer technology. | |
Is there a difference in sound quality when streaming TIDAL Vs CD player None of the streaming options have many of my extensive CD collection recordings. No Marston, Romophone, limited issue ethnic recordings, possibly 30% of my CD collection. Plus, the source of many of my finer jazz and classical CDs can be lesser... | |
Component isolation My townsend seismic sink is a superb anti-vibration device for my VPI TNT VI. For all my other equipment, I am using Stillpoints of various sizes based on how I perceive the benefit (Ultra minis are often better than larger units depending on the... | |
How many brands use own drivers? I am worried that the next speaker I purchase will have unique to the company drivers. The most likely accident to a speaker is driver failure due to electronic or physical (child poking a finger) breaking it. Then, if the speaker is over say 5 ... | |
What are the speakers you very rarely find in the Used market(Audiogon or Anywhere)? Someone still hankers for a pair of ML Monolith IIIs? I sold mine 20 years ago and good riddance, slow bass, directional, limited dynamics. Replaced with Legacy Focus. Music preference is opera, jazz, classical and pre-1980's pop while wife als... |