Responses from fleschler
Sexy singer(s) and/or song(s) As to voice alone-Claudia Muzio As to looks, too many great looking opera singers that I've seen. Just look at videos of Rosa Ponselle singing Carmen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_wmjUk234s and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgS11ukvBp... | |
Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles? My definition of an audiophile is someone who tries to achieve higher fidelity sound than an appliance type (Iphone and headphones, a built-in computer speaker, etc). This definition permits a wide variety of attempts, whether successful or not, ... | |
The very best sound: Direct to Disc I must have made an error as to the RR recordings, the early recordings were so dynamic and real sounding that I forgot they were from tape. I also have great M&Ks (a dozen of them), Opus 3 recordings, Nautilus and Pierre Verany LPs. I would l... | |
Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps? @shkong78 That is the ratio I intend to have $38K speakers, $15K amp, $15K pre-amp $7K phono/trans $15K analog, $5K DAC, $5K cabling, $5K tweaks (I also have a second analog/pre/phono for 78s, cassette, 2 R2R, etc. | |
All-in-one integrated, 10-15K range, class A/B only Thanks. | |
All-in-one integrated, 10-15K range, class A/B only Is there some reason slightly less expensive integrateds aren't mentioned? The VAC 170IQ has 85 watts and if it sounds anything like VAC amps, should be outstanding at $10K. | |
Speakers that are a great value! Steve59 I am interested in purchasing the Von Schweikert VR9 MKII at $35,000 which retailed for about $100,000 versus the new Ultra 55 at the same current price. The former is easy to drive with 100 watts or less (95 db efficiency) versus the ne... | |
The very best sound: Direct to Disc I was fortunate to purchase over 75+ D2D discs, half from wholesalers at $1/disc in the 1980s when CD was driving out LPs. They include many RR, Sheffield, Crystal Clear, Toshiba, RCA and American Gramophone discs. They are generally well recorded... | |
Which one to choose between two 80K$ tube amps? I would rather put $80,000 into a speaker and 25% that much into an amp than the other way around. Von Schweikert's with VAC amps. | |
is it possible to make digital audio sound like vintage vinyl Digital Compact Cassettes were my favorite recording devices. They were the closest sounding to 15 ips half track R2R recording. I was never disappointed with DCC sound. I'm sorry the format fizzled. | |
WHat did Audiophiles hear during Tape deck era? I listened to vinyl LP, shellac 78s and R2R tape. By 21 years old (1977), I had 10,000 LPs, 3,500 78s and 150 R2Rs, mostly self recorded from LPs and FM (Met Opera). My collection doubled by 35 (1991) except for the R2Rs. Then I added CDs, now... | |
How Do You Live The Audiophile Life I so rarely change equipment (1989 to 2005, DAC this year), that most high end companies would go broke. So, I am more of a tweaker for the past four years. | |
Why no Virtual System pics?? My amps, pre-amp and phono pre-amp are custom built. My SME IV arm is custom upgraded. My cabling doesn't indicate anything. So, why post pictures of a mid-high end system when it is meaningless. The room photos don't indicate the 16" thick 5... | |
Too good a post to waste I kept my Audio, IAR and Listener mags. Threw out the High Fidelity and did not trust Stereo Review. I prefer the narratives of Absolute Sound to Stereophile although I like several writers of both mags (including the recently deceased Art Dudl... | |
Top Ten Speakers of All Time? Von Schweikert Ultra 11 is the best I've encountered which is superior in all sound categories. I had stats including the ML Quests, Monolith IIIs, Acoustat Xs and 2+2s for 20 years. I am so happy that I don't have them any longer (except for th... |